Murder of Mamadi Touré in Pantin: at the assizes, his relatives revive the memory of a “generous” man

by time news

After the murder of Mamadi Touré committed on April 11, 2021 in Pantin (Seine-Saint-Denis), when one of his brothers went to the forensic institute (IML) to see the body, he was struck by his expression. “Mamadi still had her smile. He left with his smile, “he said during a moving testimony, this Wednesday afternoon, before the Assize Court of Seine-Saint-Denis which judges Keneff Leauva, 38, for murder in recurrence since last Friday.

On the photos projected at the hearing, the victim still wears this face lit up by a big smile. At the helm, his two sisters and this brother were unanimous. The deceased was a “generous” man, “clown”, who spread good humor. For this large family of 11 children, he was both “the little brother”, “my little darling”, “the cream of the crop”.

“It’s all he has left, his sofa bed”

Each one recounts in his own way the same devastation, which destroyed the family. Mamadi’s mother, who had been present at the start of the trial, no longer has the strength. One of the brothers evokes it with an image: “I see my mother in the dark on my brother’s sofa bed. It’s all he has left, his sofa bed. It is damaged but she insists: Don’t change my son’s bed ! ».

Same poignant story from one of the sisters: “Mamadi didn’t start from an illness or an accident. They took my little brother away from me. My life has stopped, that of my brothers and sisters, of my mother. We are all destroyed, ”she delivers between two sobs. She recounts how her parents arrived in France in the 1970s from their native Mali and “quickly found their place”. They taught their children “respect”, “sharing” and “solidarity”. “We did not grow up in violence”, adds this sister, who admits not being on social networks, unlike the victim and the accused who “clashed” there.

Mamadi Touré had been married for 18 years. His wife remembers the grief that overwhelmed him on the Sunday morning of his death. Several hours after the events, he was told: “Something serious has happened”. A neighbor calls her: “You haven’t seen it, it’s everywhere on the networks! This 36-year-old young woman confides in her turn: “I don’t know, I’m not there”.

The accused still on social networks, from his prison

In this murder case, Bigo Live, a streaming network, acted like a slow poison by causing irreversible damage. After being copiously insulted, Keneff and Mamadi came to do battle physically, fueled by the hatred of Internet users. They knew that the first one quickly mounted in pressure. He had already crossed France to attack other opponents.

Almost two years after the tragedy, is Keneff Leauva cured of this addiction as he suggests? The final video broadcast to the audience suggests otherwise. It was shot by Leauva from the bottom of his cell, in December 2021. Eight months after the fact. In the hook, we can read: “Big excluded: the confessions of Keneff askip Le Monstre de Bigo”.

Bare-chested, the accused launches into a long monologue: “Good evening people from Bigo. It’s been a long time since a lot of people have heard from me. “In nasty mode, he settles his accounts, to his ex in particular: “The madness that happened, it’s your fault, girl”. He redid the film, in his own way, of the fatal scene: “He gave me a tampon and broke my jaw. I twisted (…) I took his life. I did not want. A jawbone is not worth a life. »

This Thursday, the court will return to these facts at greater length during the interrogation on the merits of the accused. The Advocate General’s requisitions are expected in the afternoon and the verdict on Friday.

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