murders, beheadings and burnings of civilians

by time news

2023-11-16 02:31:08

“Allah is Great, Allah is Great. Praise God”. It is impossible that God is the one that the Hamas terrorists flattered when on Saturday, October 7, they entered Israeli territory, murdering and hunting civilians of all ages, children, babies and the elderly. Finishing off the wounded with shots to the head or decapitating them with whatever they had at hand. Viciously raping and beating young soldiers. They burned them. And they also set fire to houses, their cars. They killed their pets, as if dogs and cats were also Jews, targets of their hunting.

Clarion and other media outlets, politicians, diplomats, and some other personalities participated this Wednesday in the projection of compiled images of the massacre carried out by the fundamentalist and terrorist group, which unleashed Israel’s harsh incursion into the Gaza Strip. The Israeli war against Hamas, the invasion of this Palestinian territory to annihilate every last terrorist, is also causing thousands of civilian deaths on the Palestinian side, used as human shields from Islamist terrorism. That Israeli military response also unleashed a wave of protests in the Western world and an anti-Semitic wave.

A Hamas terrorist films the barbaric attack in Israel on October 7

The indigestible images of the barbaric Hamas attack that Clarion seen this Wednesday at the Israeli Embassy – and whose dissemination is prohibited by the Hebrew authorities in order to preserve the families of the victims – were presented by the Israeli ambassador, Eyal Sela, and by Colonel Amit Guy, who is the Israeli Defense attaché in Buenos Aires. Some images from this compilation 43 minutes were known, others are unpublished.

The projection begins with the information that 3,000 terrorists of Hamas entered Israel before dawn on October 7. They murdered 300 soldiers and 1,100 civilians. The following scenes were compiled at all attack points. They were recorded with the phones and other cameras of the terrorists, the victims, and some were recorded by street and family security cameras.

The Israeli ambassador, Eyal Sela, and the Defense attaché of the headquarters, Colonel Amit Guy, presented the video with images of the Hamas attack on October 7

“Allah is Great, Allah is Great. Praise God,” the terrorists shout over and over again, most of them young men who laughed out loud and took selfies at each death of Jews that Saturday the 7th. They took 240 Israelis and foreigners hostage. They are seen transported on motorcycles and Toyota trucks, like rats, like cattle heading to the slaughterhouse. You can see them beating them even though they are injured. Among them there are about 21 Argentines, including baby Kfir, only 9 months old.


A week after the Hamas attack in southern Israel, the conflict worsens. There are more than 1,400 Israeli deaths, more than 120 hostages and incursions into Palestinian territory continue. The Israeli army asked the population of Gaza to leave their homes.

They are seen on the highways shooting at vehicles whose surprised drivers slow down. As in a horror movie, in many cases the bodies collapse on the steering wheel and the horns are left ringing. There are constant “Cheers” from their perpetrators, excited by the blood, finishing off with shots to the heads of those who continue to move.

At Kibbutz Be’eri, the scene goes from bucolic to terror. An old black Labrador approaches, meek and curious, someone who approaches him panting. He is the terrorist who is filming the scene with his helmet. As in a video game, he shoots down the dog with his machine gun, which falls without a sound, like a doll.. Is there anyone in the room? The terrorists enter through the garden of these Kibbutz houses, which are always austere, and where the neighbors until then lived in normality with the Palestinians who worked in the area. The terrorists open their mosquito nets with knives. They shoot, they kill everything they see. They blow it up. They burn the house. They go.

Another heartbreaking scene takes place in Netiv HaAsara, where 20 of the 900 residents were killed. As there was a security camera on the ceiling in the house, you can see a father with his two children still in their underwear running through the patio of the house to hide in what looks like an air-raid shelter. A terrorist catches up with them and throws a grenade at them that kills the father instantly because he stayed at the door of the shelter protecting his children.

The children run to the house and the smallest one is heard saying “Dad, dad! He’s dead, he’s dead!” Once inside in the kitchen, they cry inconsolably while the terrorist with his rifle opens the refrigerator without paying attention to them and drinks Coca Cola.


The terrorists claim that the video was filmed at Kibbutz Holit on the first day of the attack.

-Dad is dead, this is not a joke! the youngest continues saying while his brother tries to console him.

-Why am I alive? Why am I alive? I want mom, I want mom to come!cries the youngest, injured in one eye. Clarion He could not find out if the children are still alive or were murdered.

Another atrocious scene due to its crudeness is that of a dying young man whose head they try to cut off. “He is a Jew”, “He is a Jew”, you hear from his perpetrators. He is still moving on the ground, along with other corpses. The terrorist takes a hoe, which is used to remove soil from the garden, and hits him several times on the head and neck without being able to dismember him because the tool is blunt.

There are scenes of the attack on a kindergarten. They take hostages. “That’s Israel” they shout with contempt. And on several occasions they identify themselves as Al Qassam, the armed wing of Hamas.

In one of the moments of the screening you can clearly hear the call on the phone of a murdered Israeli that a terrorist makes to his mother. Excited and proud, he tells him several times that he killed ten Jews. His mother considers him a hero.

It must be said something that can be seen very clearly in these images. When terrorists enter Gaza with hostages, wounded, or dead, the people of the Strip cheer them on. Above all they are groups of men. There are cries to the terrorists and they beat the victims. Praises to God are heard.

In one of the Hamas Radio audios, the command of the fundamentalist group is heard saying: “Bring him and hang him, hang him in Al Alam Square,” which is inside Gaza. “We don’t want this dead. Bring it and let people play with it (with its body). Bring it and hang it in Al Alam Square,” he repeats.


It is in the south of Israel, near Kibbutz Reim, near Gaza.

Another moment of the attack in this compilation is the already well-known terrorist raid on the Reim Festival, in the south of the country. That hunt known for the same images of young people running in the desert, terrified and asking for help.

A later tour of the cameras shows the bodies bent and in the position they fell. A drone allows you to see dozens of cars and charred bodies. They are the ones who were trapped in the Reim parking lot without being able to escape.

Later, photographs of Hamas victims, children and babies disfigured by shrapnel or fire, will be seen successively. Several of them are in their pajamas and sleeping clothes. Other victims were left lying in beds because they were evidently still sleeping when they were shot. There are bus stops full of corpses.

“Whoever does not condemn this is with Hamas,” said Ambassador Eyal Sela about the end of the screening attended by politicians from the ruling party and the opposition: Luis Petri, Martín Lousteau, Maxi Ferraro, Juan Lopez, Sabrina Ajmechet, Karina Banfi, Hernan Reyes, Alejandro Finocchiaro, Nicolás Trotta, the businessmen Mario Montoto, Marcelo Mindlin, the ambassadors Marc Stanley, Romain Nadal, the president of the DAIA, Jorge Knoblovits, Claudio Epelman, among others.

The streets surrounding the embassy had an impressive fence this Thursday. It happens that the Revolutionary Classist Organization, MTR Historico, Popular Resistance and other groups of the Argentine left were carrying out a demonstration, in which they shouted all kinds of slogans linked to Sunday’s elections and also others in favor of the Palestinians of Gaza.

#murders #beheadings #burnings #civilians

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