muscles are not just to make us move-

by time news
from Elena Meli

They support us, produce hormones that affect mood and keep the brain healthy. We talk about it on the Corriere Salute on newsstands Thursday 28th for free with the Corriere

We are publishing a preview of an article in the new Corriere Salute. You can read the full text on the free issue on newsstands Thursday 28 October or in Pdf on the Digital Edition of Corriere della Sera

When we think of muscles we barely consider them a means to move and little more: we want them strong and snappy, sure, but so that they can make us walk, lift weights and so on. At most we have the goal of make them tonic to have a healthier appearance, but also when you embark on the project of losing weight physical exercise often seen as a side duty compared to the diet, with the sole function of making us consume the calories we introduce with food. Nothing could be more wrong: muscles are a kind of global powerhouse of the body’s efficiency because they are essential for metabolism and above all, as it has been discovered in recent years, they produce some hormones and affect many others. In short, they can be considered a real organ of all respect: in addition to being the largest in terms of weight, muscles are everywhere (in addition to the clearly visible ones we have many, even microscopic ones, which manage the mobility of internal organs) and above all they have indispensable functions for well-being.

Explains Gianfranco Beltrami, lecturer in sports science at the University of Parma and member of the board of directors of the Italian Sports Medical Federation (Fmsi): Muscles are the displacement of our body-machine: the higher they are, the more trained they are, the more energy expenditure and metabolism increase. and therefore, for example, it is easier to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. Not only that: having trained muscles also means reduce the predisposition to metabolic diseases, such as diabetes or excess cholesterol, because muscle activity affects the levels of numerous hormones that regulate various metabolic processes. Exercising, for example, improves sensitivity to insulin, the hormone that manages the amount of sugar in the circulation, allowing for a more efficient use of glucose as a source of energy by the tissues and above all preventing the development of insulin resistance. itself, antechamber of diabetes.

Muscles not only influence the hormones that regulate the use of glucose and therefore energy; training increases for example the production of thyroid hormones, which are also involved in an increase in metabolic processes because they favor the synthesis of proteins and enzymes and promote the formation of new mitochondria, that is the power plants inside the cells. All this translates into an organism that burns more energy even at rest, making it easier to maintain good physical shape.

You can continue reading the article in Corriere Salute on newsstands for free on Thursday 28 October or in Pdf on the Digital Edition of Corriere della Sera

October 26, 2021 (change October 26, 2021 | 18:24)

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