“Music can teach peace”

by time news

“Music teaches peace, spreads colors of every kind on canvases always ready. And sings the praises of noble feelings”. This is what thirty years of music have taught Biagio Antonacci who has an appointment at 9 pm tomorrow (9 September) and on Tuesday 10 at the Sferisterio in Macerata, where he will hold two concerts organized by Elite Agency Group and Alhena Entertainment.

Antonacci, what is the criterion in choosing the songs to propose in a live considering that some will be left out?

“After 30 years of career it’s not easy to choose the songs for a tour. In the last ones I tried to propose those that were often left out in the previous live shows, while in this one obviously there will also be some songs from the new album. However, I always try to never leave out the songs that my audience loves the most”.

What is a song that you can’t miss in a live performance?

“There are many, in fact, but perhaps I would say ‘Liberatemi’. It’s the song that gave me great success.”

The new album came out in January, how does it fit into the discussion brought forward in the others?

“It’s a further step in my career. I never stop writing or playing, music is part of my everyday life and this album came in a very natural way. I had something to tell and as always I did it through songs”.

In the album released in January there are lyrics written in the last four years: is it a privilege only for those who, like you, have achieved fame to be able to wait, in a period in which instead everything has to be done in a hurry?

“Before the album I released some singles (Seria, Telenovela and Tridimensionale) because I needed to publish them at that moment, without waiting for the whole album. I wouldn’t call it a privilege to be able to publish an album every 4 years, but a necessity to be able to do something you really believe in and that represents you”.

Which of your texts are you most attached to?

“I have to say there are many about the latest album. I’ll mention one that isn’t a single but that for me has a beautiful meaning at the moment, that is ‘Non diamoci del tu’. Once the tu was connected to a deep knowledge of a person, today it is no longer like that. Social networks act as an accelerator of relationships, they break down barriers towards the outside world. The song is an appeal to young people to earn respect, to wait before giving confidences because before opening up the private sphere, before ‘using the tu’, it is better to take your time, also to continue living the magic”.

What is your song, perhaps linked to a particular moment in your life, that moves you the most while you sing it?

“‘Pain and Strength’: I can’t explain why, but it moves rivers of moods in me. And emotion wins.”

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