Music: Jovanotti’s spring arrives today – Entertainment

by time news

(by Gioia Giudici) (ANSA) – MILAN, 17 DEC – ‘Spring’ arrives early for Jovanotti who, as promised, releases 5 new songs only digitally – including the new single that takes its title from the rebirth season – of the new project ‘Il Disco del sole’, anticipated by the futurist ‘Il boom’, which will be composed month after month, week after week, for a whole year. Lorenzo cites the film ‘Five easy pieces’ to say that these new songs, produced with Rick Rubin, are “part of a flow of songs that will be released in the coming months, unpredictable and free, not at all easy because to exist they had to rain on me from deep space, but very light because there is a light in here. That point of light that is in the center of the dark half of the symbol of the Tao, ready to pour overflowing out in the form of songs that ask for nothing because they just want to offer “. “I decided not to go out immediately with an album – says Jova – although we worked on more than twenty pieces, first alone, then with some of my fellow musicians, then two months with Rick Rubin, in a forest between the Apennines and the sea, inside a school abandoned in the 1950s when the countryside was depopulated and agriculture was mechanized. think of nothing, completely disconnected from everything that was not an enormous feeling of Love and desire for life, air, light, rhythm, joy, heartbeat, adventure. ” First of the new songs, ‘La primavera’, Lorenzo’s “veiled homage” to Franco Battiato where “the scent of ragù mixes with the scent of certain incenses that have been produced for millennia in Kerala”. It was born from a suggestion of his daughter Teresa, however, ‘A love like ours’: one day “Something stupid” by the two Sinatras started on Lorenzo’s playlist. Teresa told me “Santa you should write a song like this” and I thought “well …” “. Once the song was made, “on New Year’s Eve we were alone in the house, and after the toast I played it, and the girls liked it. Happy New Year, full speed ahead.” And then the psychedelia of ‘I love you baby’ with its ramshackle sound that Jova likes so much: “I admit, I’m crazy about this song. I know it’s not elegant to say it but that’s it, if someone else had done it I’d do it. the OLA, luckily I did it “because” it’s a love song “and” some things can’t be said emphatically, you have to say them dancing, waving your arms, turning up the volume, singing to the limit of pitch, one step before the voice becomes a scream “. Another ballad with ‘Between me and you’ while ‘Border jam’ is an invitation to party by disintegrating every border. “This song – explains Lorenzo – speaks of a dream, or rather the dance of a dream, it is a party for dreamers, it is not a political manifesto, it is a jam, which means jam. There is inside the carnival, Africa, the Clash, California, the Jova Beach Party, New Orleans, the Balkans, the Mediterranean … I don’t know what’s inside, it’s a jam, a jam. But the jam is good, I like it. ” Together with the five songs, the video of ‘La primavera’ is released, a psychedelic short, shot on film by Tommaso Ottomano at the Teatro Grande in Brescia. (HANDLE).

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