Music, street food, stands. Mercato Nuovo: what a party

by time news

The 2024 edition of Settembre a Prato will begin tomorrow with the ‘biggest Indie party in Italy’, the event that combines the challenges of Palla Grossa with free concerts, food and wine stands, craft markets and games for children in Piazza del Mercato Nuovo. The appointment with the inaugural concert is at 9:30 pm. The evening, with free admission, will be curated by the ‘Indie Power’ collective, who will play live the songs that more than any other tell the story of today’s generations. We will dance to the notes of Tananai, Calcutta, Bnkr44, Gazzelle, Ernia, Coez, Pinguini Tattici Nucleari and many others. Before the concert, from 7 pm the square will be open, with free admission, for all the other attractions active until September 15: street food, inflatables, games for children and markets of various kinds. Returning to the concerts, the music continues on Thursday September 5. At 9:30 pm the DJ set by Metempsicosi is scheduled: Mario Più, Ricky Le Roy, Joy Kitikonti, 00zicky and Luca Pechino will take turns at the console. The group of DJs had already participated in ‘Settembre Prato’ last year, accompanied by the legendary Franchino who on that occasion performed in Prato for the last time. Friday 6 September will be the turn of ‘Crazy 90s’ and his show: on stage DJs, vocalists, mascots and many special effects together with the most loved musical pieces of the magic that goes from 1990 to 1999. On Saturday 7 on the stage in Piazza del Mercato Nuovo the evening Rock in Movie’ will take place. It should be remembered that on Saturday 14 it will be the turn of one of the guest stars of Settembre a Prato: Cristina D’Avena will take the stage (photo).

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