Musician Yehuda Ader: My scratch is monogamy

by time news

Age: 71 • Residence: Tel Aviv

• Marital status: married to actress Miki Kam, father of musician Alon Ader and actor Nadav Ader.

• Musician and guitarist, president of the Rimon School of Music. He was a member of the Tamuz and Doda bands. Produced dozens of albums and won a special award on behalf of the Akum board of directors for his contribution to the Hebrew singer and to Israeli culture

Where do we catch you?

“At home I’m trying to contain the congratulations on the award of the Acumen Board of Directors for his contribution to the Hebrew singer and culture in Israel. Congratulations put me under pressure for some reason. But it really makes me feel good.”

How and where do you drink your coffee?

“It’s been decades of strong upside-down coffee at ‘Cafe Mesarik’ and a perfect egg sandwich on the side in a Tel Aviv corner that relaxes me. I like it there.”

Who would you like to have a beer with?

“With Eric Einstein, thanks to whom everything happened in music in Israel. The band ‘Tamuz’ is his start-up. He nurtured and financed us when we warmed up the show ‘Go Lat’ at concerts throughout the country. Alon (Edar) Benny went with his son Amir to the parental involvement kindergarten in Dizengoff. After For a month there were complaints against him that he was not involved enough. I remember Eric smiling and saying: ‘I did my best’ and taking Amir out of kindergarten. And also with Ofra, my neighbor, with whom every sidewalk conversation is a school of life. She is uncompromising and has a firm opinion about Everything. Learning from her and laughing with her.”

what are you working on now

“About the ‘Brothers for Life’ project of soldiers with post-trauma who write and compose under the guidance of the Rimon Music School, of which I am the president. These are the most wounded and beautiful songs there are. They have an absolute commitment to creation and life after death which was revealed to them during the battle that changed their fate forever. With them I feel the closest to myself. Soon we will start releasing their original songs on the radio. We have been working with them professionally for several months.”

what is your scratch

“Monogamy. I believe in long-term love. For now, it’s really working for me.”

What is the best advice you received?

“By the way of the previous question, Lifshitz, who is my best friend in the world, told me that it is better not to fall in love with the neighbor’s wife.”

How do you like to spend your Friday afternoon?

“Ravitza, newspapers and Dori Ben Ze’ev on Radio 88. We always correspond on the cell phone while doing so, I give him marks of praise and disparagement. When I started my career, the group that was with me were ‘Tamuz’, Uri Zohar and Dori Ben Ze’ev. I have been dating him for years and he was also a friend Very good of Meir Ariel, with whom I worked very closely.”

What superpower would you like to have?

“The power of calmness. I have no calmness, I operate from a restlessness that never ends. This is the source of my work, but it is extremely tiring. I want silence.”

Under what circumstances do you lie?

“In a taxi, when I’m silent and the driver talks about his longing for Bibi. As Meir Ariel said: ‘Lying even in silence’.”

Who do you think is the sexiest person?

“A woman who is only me and she knows her perfect flaws intimately.”

what do you miss

“For the visits of my father and mother, who would come to us in Tel Aviv with packages of diapers for the children from Kibbutz Kfar Hanasi. For the conversations at breakfast. Father was religious from the Gor Hasidic sect, mother came here after the ‘children’s shipment’ from Nazi Germany. They would come by bus and give their share, they They wanted to be pampered and they didn’t have money for an apartment – so they would bring diapers for the children.”

Where would you most like to live?

“In the green fields of Ireland”.

What do you like to spend your money on?

“About the grandchildren. I always tell them, ‘I am not your mother or father. Go wild and get whatever you want.'”

What would you like to change about yourself?

“The desire to win at any cost. Neta Barzilai, Yasmin Moalem, Eliav Zahar and Nono came out of Ramon. But, my head is already running madly about the next star we will bring out. Enough already!”.

What do you feel guilty about?

“That I once again forgot to fill up my wife’s car with gas. It reflects badly on who I am.”

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

“Establishing Ramon, the mandolin opening of the ‘Shir Harot’ in the Nahal band, even Haim Gori sent me a message through Gidi Gov that this is one of his favorite things. And the opening of the guitar in the songs ‘The end of the orange season’ for Tammuz, ‘Yirah’ for Shlomo Artzi and ‘Michael’ for Ethi Ankri.

what scares you

“High waves. I must have drowned once in some kind of roll. A real horror.”

What makes you happy?

“The moment of realizing that I’m actually not missing anything, the first meeting with Mickey, the births of my sons and grandchildren.”

What do you miss most in life?

“The sense of pioneering that I had when I founded Rimon in 1985, so I have a new challenge: establishing an academic branch of Rimon in Acre. A dream that is really coming true right now.”

What do you consider your most valuable asset?

“My fingers that play guitars”.

What quality do you value most in your friends?

“Loyalty, humor, paragon, good guitar playing and that they don’t fake.”

Who are the artists that most influenced your work?

“Bob Dylan is the most beloved. Meir Ariel, members of the Tamuz band (Shalom Hanoch, Ariel Zilber, Meir Israel, Eitan Gidron), Eric Clapton, Bret Jansch, Danny Sanderson, Paul Simon, Randy Newman, Eran Sbag, Van Gogh, Marilyn Monroe, Alon, Nadav and Mickey”.

If you weren’t a musician what would you be doing?

“Chef. I see what happiness the food that Miki, who is an excellent cook, brings to the grandchildren and the family. I want it too!”.

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