MusicStar 2024: Katharina “Kät” Michel wins – Entertainment

by time news
  • Katharina “Kät” Michel is the winner of “MusicStar” 2024. She impressed in the revival show with her interpretation of Duffy’s “Mercy”.
  • For once, it was not the jury or the audience who chose the winner, but rather the other candidates.
  • The 20th anniversary show was marked by emotions. In addition to Baschi and Salome Clausen, presenter Sven Epiney was also close to tears.

The jury members Arabella Kiesbauer, Chris von Rohr and Detlef D! Soost couldn’t stop raving after Katharina Michel’s performance. Detlef even compared her to Amy Winehouse. But it wasn’t just the jury that blew their socks off with the 35-year-old, also known as “Kät”, with her interpretation of Duffy’s “Mercy”.

The other candidates were just as enthusiastic and chose the Bernese Oberlander as the winner of the “MusicStar” revival show. Unlike before, the jury’s evaluation did not count – and there was no telephone voting.

This is an incredible honor for Katharina, as she told SRF: “That’s a huge compliment. I didn’t expect to win. But I’m really happy!”

Katharina’s way back to the stage

For a long time it was quiet around Katharina Michel. Around a year and a half after her victory in 2009, the musician withdrew from the public and worked, among other things, at Radio BeO.

The win put me in a bit of a bubble. Then came the big hammer, reality.

The reason: Her father died while “MusicStar” was still on. “The win put me in a bit of a bubble. Then came the big hammer, reality. I had to step back and process everything.”

Today she is at a different point. She has also been making music again for more than three years, “simply under the radar”. But the victory showed her that she was in the right place and that she could dare to be on stage. Preferably barefoot – “because with shoes there is always something in the way and I feel less,” says the musician.

Many tears on the anniversary

Katharina’s performance and her victory were far from the only highlights of the evening. What particularly stood out: the emotionality in the studio. There was a lot of crying. After his performance, Baschi first needed a glass of water. With tears in his eyes, he said: “The great adventure of my life began here.”

Salome Clausen, who also withdrew from the public after winning the second season, also had moist eyes after her appearance. The fact that she was on stage again for the first time impressed the jury and they showered the Valais woman with compliments.

This affected the 37-year-old so much that she could no longer speak. She even infected presenter Sven Epiney, who was also close to tears.

Sven Epiney led the evening together with Viola Tami and described the show as a big class reunion. In addition to the participants Fabienne Louves, Carmen Fenk, Katharina Michel, Börni Höhn, Baschi, Salome Clausen, Daniel Kandlbauer and Leo Ritzmann, many other alumni were there backstage.

There were not only many old fans in the audience, but also vocal coach Artemis Gounaki – together with her partner, an SRF technician, whom she got to know and love during the recordings.

“MusicStar 2024”: These stars are there

1 / 10

Legend: Carmen Fenk (Season 1) The winner of the first season. SRF

2 / 10

Legend: Sebastian “Baschi” Bürgin (Season 1) Failed early on in the show, but then became the most famous face. SRF

3 / 10

Legend: Salome Clausen (Season 2) The Valais woman won the second round. SRF

4 / 10

Legend: Daniel Kandlbauer (Season 2) He received better grades in the finale of the second season, but had to be content with second place. SRF

5 / 10

Legend: Fabienne Louves (Season 3) She ended up at the top of the podium in the third season. SRF

6 / 10

Legend: Börni Höhn (Season 3) For a long time, the then 20-year-old was considered the favorite for the third season, but was then eliminated in the semi-finals. SRF

7 / 10

Legend: Katharina Michel (4th season) The fourth and final winner of “MusicStar”. SRF

8 / 10

Legend: Leo Ritzmann (4th season) He finished the fourth season in 6th place. SRF

9 / 10

Legend: The jury will also act in 2024: Arabella Kiesbauer, Chris von Rohr … SRF

10 / 10

Legend: … and Detlef D! Soost. SRF

What also couldn’t be missed: lots of nostalgic moments, “unfortunately nos”, the reconciliation between a jury member and a participant and countless warm hugs.

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