Musk: a global threat – Cubaperiodistas

by time news

2024-09-10 01:29:37

Elon Musk, owner of corporations such as The fight began at the beginning of the year, when Musk was on the global right.

When the magistrate ordered administrative sanctions in response to the contempt, the precinct took advantage of the trick of ceasing the operations of the platform within the country, so that no entity was to be punished, while it remained X active and kept the accounts operating illegally. Due to this travesty of justice De Moraes ordered the complete closure of X in Brazil, but Musk used his satellite Internet provider company to violate the provision already confirmed by the Supreme Court.

During his campaign against the law, the businessman used his social network (where his tweets are visible to all users, whether they want to or not) to launch a lynching campaign against the togado and to defend the presentation of fascist profiles as the defense of freedom of speech.

Since the tycoon acquired the platform in October 2022, he has reactivated accounts previously blocked by the company itself which spread homophobic, neo-Nazi, white supremacist, misogynistic, transphobic, conspiracy theories and , in general, hate speech is today banned in many countries as part of efforts against discrimination and violence.

Various studies have confirmed an increase in the production and spread of attacks on women, members of the sexual diversity group, racialized people and progressive sectors, as well as the increased punishment for which such attacks have been carried out for almost two years.

At a time when the minority of billionaires (those who amass a billion dollars or more) are targeting a larger share of the world’s wealth than ever before and when their determination to take advantage of their economic power in the form of power is increasingly politically obvious. lack of controls on their activities puts democracy, the rule of law, the environment and the lives of 8 billion people at risk.

This is no exaggeration: the ability of corporations to block health warnings about the risks of tobacco use caused millions of people for years, and the refusal to acknowledge the toxicity of leaded gasoline poisoned the millions of people, especially minors. Humor the United Fruit Company across the lands of Central America he unleashed coups d’état, bloody dictators and genocide against the indigenous peoples.

Musk’s crusade to place himself above the laws of a sovereign country, as well as the way he uses the companies he controls to circumvent the authorities, shows the urgency of creating international legislation that limits the power of super-individuals. rich

His narcissistic and sociopathic personality makes him the most prominent case of the ultra-rich openly trampling the law today, but he is by no means the only one.

Look at Mexico, where corporate pressures are at a fever pitch to approve laws that suit transnational corporations and overturn laws that favor citizens.

Given the scale of the challenge, governments committed to sovereignty, people’s self-determination, democracy and human rights must be at the forefront of creating the institutional, legal, technological, economic and political mechanisms needed to stop to add individuals and corporations who amount to de facto supranational powers and are willing to unmask entire countries (Taken from The Day).

Cover image: The New York.

#Musk #global #threat #Cubaperiodistas

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