Musk completes the purchase of Twitter and immediately fires 4 super-managers-

by time news
from Massimo Gaggi

The anticipations of the US press. Among the torpedoes is the CEO Parag Agrawal

Twitter at Elon Musk. As we anticipated yesterday, the purchase of the social network was finally completed by the founder of Tesla e Space X, just in time to avoid the start of the trial for non-compliance with the agreements that the court had suspended, but only until 5 pm today, Friday 28 October. The announcement of the acquisition cost the richest man in the world 44 billion dollars, arrived at 6 pm in California, 3 am in Italy. In reality, for some hours Musk had already taken steps to formalize in his own way the transfer of control of the company into his hands: his first act was the instant dismissal of the four most important Twitter executives: the managing director Parag Agrawalthe financial director Ned Segalthe general councilor Sean Edgett and the head of legal affairs and security, Vijaya Gaddealready attacked by Musk for how he organized the work of the moderators who filter the contents posted on the social platform.

These changes were taken for granted, but, according to what was leaked, Musk wanted to make them spectacular and humiliating escorting managers out of Twitter headquarters, in downtown San Francisco. Musk, who today could have a public meeting with all 7500 employees, in talks he had with some of them yesterday he would have said that, even if there will certainly be cuts in staff, he does not intend to lay off 75 per cent of the staff. This news was leaked from an interview with possible investors: the indiscretion had immediately gone around the world and the entrepreneur, up to now, has nothad denied. Also yesterday Musk made two more partial reverse gears. While confirming that he wants to make Twitter a temple of free speech (important for the future of civilization to build a digital square open to all) the entrepreneur added that, obviously this does not mean that the platform can become a free for all hellscape (i.e. a hellish, chaotic and unruly place) where you can say anything without suffering the consequences.

Then, concerned about the impact of his past statements (I don’t love the advertisingfor Twitter I want a business model based on subscriptions) on the balance sheet of a social network that, for now, derives almost all of its $ 5 billion in revenues from advertising, Musk sent a conciliatory message to advertisers: Advertising, if done well, of quality, a service rendered to users. We want these messages: we aspire to be the most respected advertising platform. This will strengthen your brand and make you grow as a business. Forced, in fact, to buy Twitter at the too high price he had initially offered ($ 54.20 per share), Musk faces a titanic task on two fronts: on the economic level he must transform and enhance a society in chronic deficit, which has already lost its best brains, which has to invent a new business model (currently only 10% of users use the platform with some continuity) and which, according to some analysts, is now worth no more than 10 billion dollars: less a quarter of what Elon paid. On the political level, then, reopen Twitter a Trump, as previously announced by Musk, it could result in an own goal: the former president has already said he will not accept the invitation, while many companies are under pressure to stop advertising on this network if Twitter drops the veto on Trump. . Then there is to square the circle of the new model of moderation: Musk may find that opening the square to everyone without filters or with light filters, while avoiding hatred and violence circulating in the platform, more difficult than sending astronauts on the moon.

October 28, 2022 (change October 28, 2022 | 05:14)

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