Musk got into a huge mess? 6 facts complained of sexual harassment

by time news

Elon Musk (Instagram photo)

Six women, some of whom currently work or who previously worked at the electric car giant’s Tesla Bay area and in the Southern California Service Center, have filed lawsuits against Elon Musk’s company, alleging that they were sexually harassed by other workers and that the company took no action.

The lawsuits were filed today (Thursday) in the Alameda District Supreme Court and following two previous lawsuits against Tesla filed in November and this month by women who also claim to have been harassed by co-workers. Separately, a former engineer at SpaceX, another company led by Musk, posted a blog post earlier today detailing the experiences of sexual harassment at the airline and space.

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The six women suing Tesla are Michaela Koran, Elise Brown, Jessica Brooks, Alyssa Blickman, Samira Shepherd and Eden Maduro, represented by attorney David A. Lowe, a partner in the firm of Rudy Exelrod Zieff & Low in San Francisco.

“Tesla has failed to take sexual harassment, the top of the company and below seriously,” he said Low In a statement. He also referred to the rude joke Musk tweeted in October about establishing a university called the “Texas Institute of Technology and Science” and to remarks he made about former employees. “Elon Musk, who tweeted a disturbing remark about women’s bodies or teasing employees who report inappropriate behavior, reflects an attitude in his head that allows for a pattern of widespread sexual harassment and revenge in the heart of these cases.”

Tesla has not responded to a request for comment and currently has no public relations team. Musk also made no mention of the matter in his Twitter update (though he had time to post critical tweets about Massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren).

The many stories of sexual harassment in Musk’s companies come a day after Time magazine named him Man of the Year. In October, Tesla was ordered to pay $ 137 million to a Black employee who sued the automaker for racial discrimination.

In the six lawsuits filed on Tuesday, the women describe a work environment in which it is normal for women to be called, looked at, touched and improperly offered. In their lawsuits, the women describe the frequent use of rude language and probing by male colleagues – and the failure of supervisors and human resources staff to take action.

Musk is the richest man in the world, with a fortune estimated by Forbes at $ 251.9 billion. Shares of Tesla fell 0.8 percent to $ 958.51 in NASDAQ trading on Tuesday.

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