Musk warns that Starlink satellites are a threat to airplanes Spacex | Space | Technology | Elon Musk | Earth Observation Satellite | Technology News | Tech News | Malayalam Technology News

by time news

Satarlink is a company operating under Muskint to provide internet via satellite. Starlink realizes the goal of delivering Internet from satellites deployed not too high above Earth. But all technology can be disastrous, and such satellites could be a problem for aircraft, says Andy Lawrence, professor of astronomy at the University of Edinburgh.

Uncontrolled space objects are a threat to aircraft if they hit the ground. Experts warn that at least 300 people could be killed if an object hits the plane. AI algorithms have been developed to avoid collisions. However, it is often said that this may not be possible.

But if so many satellites are deployed in low-Earth orbit, there is a risk that they will collide with each other, so that almost all of them will burn up in space when the fiery parts come down. However, the new report says that some of them can reach the ground without burning and they can hit planes and cause danger.

Starlink alone has deployed 3000 satellites. The company has also received permission to launch another 12,000. Musk plans to operate a total of 40,000 Starlink satellites to provide high-speed internet anywhere on Earth. Airtel-backed OneWeb also provides internet via satellite.

∙ Musk will fire 7500 people for ‘lightning attack’ on Twitter?

The Washington Post reports that Tesla CEO Elon Musk plans to lay off most of his workforce if he takes over microblogging website Twitter. Musk is reportedly planning to cut 75 percent of Twitter’s workforce.

Meanwhile, it is expected that the preliminary steps related to the acquisition will be completed before October 28. Twitter’s workforce may be limited to around 2,000, according to reports. The report also states that this will be implemented by the end of next year. Similarly, there will be cuts in infrastructure. Some data centers may be shut down.

∙ Twitter says the news is baseless

Twitter responded that it had not received any information about Musk’s plan and that the Washington Post’s story was based on speculation. Meanwhile, Bloomberg reports that prospective investors in Twitter are aware of plans, including layoffs. Bloomberg says that even if you read Musk’s public and private conversations together, the move to dismantle Twitter is clear.

∙ Economic recession can also be a reason

However, doubts are being raised about whether the few remaining employees will be able to bring about the kind of change Musk is asking for if all the current employees are laid off. At the same time, there have been reports that many companies like Facebook and Microsoft, which have come out to create Metaworld, will lay off their employees. The economic downturn began to affect technology companies as well. Bloomberg says surgical strike layoffs at Twitter are worrying.

∙ When Twitter becomes a private company

Twitter is now a private company, a company owned by Musk, a $200 billion man’s company. Twitter needs about $3.8 billion a year to operate. This is something Musk can easily relate to today.

∙ That Twitter may be a threat when it becomes a private company

Twitter under Musk may not be the only company that has seen this long. Musk has previously said that his will be an attempt to make Twitter look like someone shouting something from a crowded part of town. This is normally the prerogative of the mayor. Musk will try to give such a right to ordinary Twitter users. Musk is said to be Twitter’s editor-in-chief even if he doesn’t take on any such title.

Former US President Donald Trump is one such person who has used Twitter to shout something from the center of the city. Trump’s account was frozen by former Twitter bosses when they thought his tweets would lead to riots. One of the things Musk wants is to get that Trump back on Twitter. Such moves have spread panic among many.

The warning is that if Twitter becomes a medium where anyone can shout anything, it could be a threat to communities. Musk’s recent pro-Russian statement and more complicate matters further. In this situation, it is also necessary for the US government to conduct further studies on Musk’s acquisition of Twitter.

∙ Don’t be shocked to learn about new investors on Twitter

Even though Musk is the richest man in the world, he can’t come up with $4.4 billion in cash to buy Twitter. Musk has also found some investors to help him with this. Twitter will be acquired by a consortium. In addition to Musk, Bloomberg reports that there will also be people from countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and China.

Musk’s arrival as Twitter’s loudmouthed next boss could spell trouble. Musk also says that Twitter should eventually become a money-making company. Musk says Twitter should generate revenue like companies like Tesla and SpaceX. As companies like Facebook and TikTok struggle to crack down on fake news, there are fears in some quarters that Twitter could turn into a purveyor of fake news.

Elon Musk Vs Twitter (Photo by Olivier DOULIERY / AFP)

(Photo by Olivier DOULIERY / AFP)

∙ Musk says that Tesla will be a company as big as Apple and Saudi Aramco

One thing Musk is currently discussing is the statement that Tesla, the electric vehicle manufacturing company, will be as big as Apple and Saudi Aramco combined. However, The Wall Street Journal says that none of such dreams can be realized in the near future. With inflation and interest rates on the rise, even Americans have to tighten their belts. In the meantime, Musk says, don’t dream that Tesla will take off any time soon.

English Summary: Elon Musk’s huge satellite plans could bring down planes, astronomers warn

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