Mustache Arrocet’s daughter arrives at ‘Survivors’ with controversy

by time news

Patricia Donoso’s bluff has led ‘Survivors’ to send a substitute to the island, to see if this time the controversy lands in Honduras. The casting lacks spiciness and a cup and a half of seasoning was coming out of the chopper. Gabriela Arrocet arrives involved in the scandal, a mess that points to the Campos clan, by the way. The last name of the brand new adventurer indicates her origin (it is her only fame, for the moment). She is the daughter of Mustache Arrocet, the comedian who shared feelings with María Teresa Campos and, when the relationship ended, was scalded by the comments of the journalist’s daughters.

Ion Aramendi introduced the new contestant and, before jumping out of the helicopter, asked her jokingly: “Are you more from Campos or from the beach?” The aforementioned drew a smile and chose the beach. Showing great desire for her company to start, the singer already expressed her intentions in her presentation video. “I come with all the inner and outer strength to win this program and give it my all,” she assured. And since it was Father’s Day, what better way to ask Gabriela about hers. “He is very happy, he has advised me to stay calm, that it is a game and I have to have a good time,” she said that her parent had told her, who already went through the format in 2017.

On the set was Alejandra Rubio, daughter of Terelu Campos, a presenter whom Gabriela described as “silly” a few days ago. Some video calls from Chile heated up the atmosphere facing Edmundo’s daughter with Carmen Borrego. “I have been lucky not to know you,” launched the daughter of María Teresa trying to avoid further controversy. Alejandra did not want to enter the rag either, she even came to empathize with her family enemy. “I even feel identified with her because she has character, like me,” she said. Of course, when choosing a location for Gabriella, she sent her to Fatal Beach. “So that she wakes up a little,” ironized the young woman who guaranteed that she is not afraid of what she can comment on. «Let her tell what she wants», she dropped her.

There are not excessive discussions between the Robinsons, but hunger leads to clashes that sometimes end in tears. This is the case of Asraf Beno and Katerina Safarova. Isa Pantoja’s boyfriend and the model collided. The ceuta reproached him for his desire to eat. «You have a problem with food and with me, you count every piece that I put in my mouth. I’m fed up,” she replied. “If you eat everything, we will have to tell you,” he reproached. But Asraf did not count on Manuel Cortés. “They have told me that you are bossy,” launched the musician who did not hesitate to defend Katerina, to whom he joins a very special friendship.

And Asraf, after assuring that he is not lying, began to cry. “It’s not to get like that, man,” reassured Raquel Bollo’s son. And the son-in-law of the singer-songwriter, disconsolate, explained: “It hurts and the only way I have to expel it is by crying.” Manuel and Adara reassured Beno, while, at the other end of the beach, Katerina gave her point of view on the matter. “It’s not the first time he’s done it, he argues and leaves crying, that’s why I don’t feel sorry for him,” finished off the Russian who is more dangerous than Julian Muñoz playing Monopoly.

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