Mustafà, pediatric surgery in Siena for the 6-year-old boy. Then it will be transferred to the prosthesis center in Budrio (Bologna)

by time news

Mustafàthe 6-year-old Syrian boy born without arms and legs and who became famous for a shot of him with his father, underwent pediatric surgery for a congenital malformation quite common in childhood, and not attributable to the consequences of the war. The operation was successful Siena, at the Santa Maria alle Scotte hospital, and lasted about three hours. Already on Sunday 20 February, the little one will be discharged to return to his family, his father Munzirthe mother Zeynep and the two little sisters, all hosted in the center Caritas of Arbiaat the gates of Siena.

After their arrival in the Tuscan city, on 21 January, Mustafà and his family carried out visits and checks at the hospital, immediately after their quarantine, in the Department of Women and Children. Following these examinations, the child was hospitalized in pediatrics and pediatric surgery with technique videolaporoscopica. “Mustafà is in good health and will be discharged in the next few days to then go to the Budrio specialist center (Bologna) for the evaluation of the subsequent steps of his care path “, he explained Mario Messina, director of Uoc Pediatric Surgery of the Sienese Aou. The transfer of Mustafà and the whole family to the province of Bologna should take place in the second half of March; first the little one will be subjected to further diagnostic tests in Siena, aimed at being admitted to the Inail prosthesis center in Vigorso di Budrio where, a kilometer away, they are already setting up an apartment to welcome the family.

“The story of little Mustafà struck us all, making it even more evident and making us touch the terrible consequences of wars”, he declared Antonio Barretta, general director of the Aou Senese. A real solidarity competition started against the child and the family after a photo of Mustafa together with his father Munzir, winner of the award Siena International Photo Awards, has been around the world. “That photo changed our lives” Munzir said in the first meeting with reporters.

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