Mutua Madrileña launches a savings insurance with a net return of 1.5% during the first year

by time news


Mutua Madrileña has launched the ‘Savings Plan Plus Loyalty’, a savings insurance with a guaranteed net return of 1.5% during the first year. Afterwards, the interest rate of this insurance will be reviewed on a quarterly basis, the company reported on Thursday.

The ‘Savings Plus Loyalty Plan’ can be contracted with a minimum initial contribution of 750 euros and will allow additional contributions to be made also from that amount (750 euros).

The insurance, with the guarantee of Mutua Madrileña, includes a benefit for the death of the holder, in which case the beneficiaries will receive the savings existing at the time, plus an additional capital of 10%, with a maximum of 1,200 euros.

This new savings insurance from Mutua Madrileña, which markets Mutuactivos AV, arises with the aim of covering a growing demand by investors with a more conservative profile, as explained by the company in a statement.

“Given the rises in interest rates that have occurred in the euro zone in recent months, at Mutuactivos we want to take advantage of the opportunity to offer a new interesting product capable of meeting the expectations of our customers, which is always our main concern” , assures the company.

‘Savings Plan Plus Loyalty’ applies a commission on the mathematical provision of 0.50%, which is already discounted in the return of 1.5% guaranteed for the first year, and a premium for death coverage, depending on the age of the insured.

This new savings insurance marketed by Mutuactivos will be taxed exclusively when a partial or total reimbursement is made for the income generated, which is considered income from movable capital. The benefit for death will be taxed by the Inheritance and Gift Tax.

The portfolio of this insurance is managed by Mutuactivos SGIIC, the asset management entity of Mutua Madrileña. Currently, it manages assets of more than 8,600 million euros in investment funds, pension plans and savings insurance.

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