“My baby was in my husband’s arms”

by time news

The female symbol of Cyprus, Harita Mantoles, recounted the tragic events she experienced during the Turkish invasion of Cyprus and spoke about her struggle, on the occasion of the “Famagusta” series.

The viewers of the “Big Picture” show watched a unique meeting on Sunday (28/01), as Niki Lymperaki traveled all the way to Cyprus and was interviewed by Harita Mantoles and Despina Bembedelion the occasion of the series “Famagusta”.

The journalist met and heard up close the woman-symbol of Megalonis, who – as she says – is still 27 years old, exactly as she was in July 20, 1974when she experienced the absolute horror, an eyewitness of the cold-blooded murder of her people and the destruction of her homeland, Kyrenia.

Her description is creepy, like the interpretation of Despina Bembedeli is also creepy in the “Famagusta” series. The great actress, who returned to television to embody Harita Mandoles in an exemplary way and captivated the viewers with her fascinating monologue, spoke about the relationship between them, but also about her life.

Harita Mantoles: “I forgive all people”

Narrating what she tragically experienced during the Turkish invasion, Harita Mandoles said: “I saved my son and the other two injured babies. When the coup happened and brother killed brother, should I not forgive the Turk? I forgive all people. And if it wasn’t for this Turk, I wouldn’t have my son.”

“The officer gave the order to execute us all. He seems to have made up his own mind and told the others not to bother us. This Turk pointed the gun at the Turks and grabbed the girls by the hand and was pulling them towards us to escape the rape.” described Harita Mandoles.

“We turned to the chapel of Archangel Michael and we were praying and I said, ‘God, you sent us Archangel Michael, the Turkish soldier.’ It’s a miracle what happened. Ever since this bad thing happened, when I spoke on the radio or on TV I said that this Turk knows who I am, he helped us and I want to see him. Wherever he is, let him come and reward me. And I pray for this Turk” he added.

Harita Mantoles: “I am not a heroine. I am a poor woman who lived through the drama”

Elsewhere in her interview, she said: “I am a poor woman who lived through this drama. I’m not a victim, but I’m not a heroine. I’m a poor person, no education, nothing, I just lived this drama”.

“The first words my son said were ‘papa, bam bam’, he didn’t speak until that time. He was in his father’s arms when he was killed. He kept holding him, when he was shot it had reached his head, he didn’t leave him. He was holding his father’s head covered in blood and tears. This is the truth and the truth will not be forgotten. It is the truth of the war, of our country, of our people” said Harita Mandoles.

As for whether he fears the match will be forgotten, he said: “Now that I go to school I am not afraid that all this will be forgotten. They see me on the street and tell me “continue your fight, we are with you”. I went to have an operation at the hospital and the doctor tells me that he will not forget me. He tells me “I was at school when you came and told us about it and since then it keeps coming back to my mind. Continue your fight, we are with you”. The children put on a nice event that made me cry, which I have been crying for a long time. Their event was nice and we showed how the refugees left their homes. And the complaint took me because I didn’t manage to catch my father and bring him.”

“Then they made me speak, the children were around 300 and you couldn’t hear their breathing. When I went to Paphos, the director told me “We made a mistake in bringing you because the children will make a fuss”. And then they handed me the microphone and I stood and they completely sewed their mouths shut. And the director every now and then looked and wondered. And when I’m done, he takes the microphone and says, “Hey guys, what did you do to me today? You denied me” he stated.

We must remember. There are some people who don’t like to see each other. I believe the world has forgiven, that’s over. But what will happen from now on? Let’s line up and call out our place. I want everyone to reconcile! We demand the liberation of our country. Back to our homes. These places are ours and we must all fight for it together. This is what I ask and want. Turkish Cypriots and Cypriots together, let the settlers leave and go where they came from. I feel love for Greece. I don’t like that they say in Cyprus that Greece made us the coup. For me it is not Greece. They couldn’t say no? Our place…That’s how I see it and that’s how I say it. It is not the fault of the Greeks concluded Harita Mantoles.

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