“My DNA is called the Republic”: first pass of arms between Elisabeth Borne and Marine Le Pen at the Assembly

by time news

The opening ball was tense for the first session of Questions to the government of the new National Assembly. The president of the RN, Marine Le Pen, immediately arrested Élisabeth Borne, initiating a first noteworthy pass of arms.

The leader of the far-right party first took care to congratulate, ironically, the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin for having “taken a step” towards the RN by declaring that he wanted to allow the expulsion of any foreigner. found guilty of a serious offense by the courts.

In an interview with Le Monde on Saturday, the latter had indeed declared: “Today, a foreigner who has committed serious acts is not deportable as long as he meets certain conditions, such as an arrival on national territory before 13 years old. We want to allow the expulsion of any foreigner found guilty of a serious act by the courts, regardless of their condition of presence on national territory. »

And Marine Le Pen is delighted: “We have been defending this measure for decades. (…) We can already tell you that we will vote for this measure tomorrow. “And the head of government to respond to it in turn: “You had not read the program of candidate Emmanuel Macron since this measure was there. »

“My DNA is called the Republic”

“My method is to listen to and respect everyone, not to agree with everyone,” she added, before concluding: “I will not seek the votes of the National Rally. (…) Madame Le Pen, there will always be something that comes between us, it’s called values. My DNA is called the Republic. »

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