“My Donbass awaits hell” – time.news

by time news
from Greta Privitera

Serhiy Haidai, head of the province, forced to change his hiding place every evening: Putin wants all of our territory and to do so he will destroy everything

How are you ?, he asks in Italian. Is there the sun in your home? Before answering about the war, she wants to talk about Italy: I’ve been there a thousand times, mother Tatiana has lived in Rapallo for 20 years, she was a caregiver, she says. Serhiy Haidai46 years old, governor of the Lugansk province
in Donbass, a key region of the conflict in Ukraine since 2014, and where Putin’s army is now repositioning its troops.

Army green shirt, unkempt beard, Haidai replies from a hiding place near Severodonetsk, but tonight he will change his position because the Russians are looking for him: They want to kill me. He knows that there could be a devastating attack in his region shortly, but he still manages to smile: Let me think for a moment about the Cinque Terre sea, the Chianti hills, not the Kramatorsk death toll, or what is about to happen here. .

What is going to happen next?
A hell. To sing victory, Putin must conquer the whole of the Donbass, especially after the defeat in Kiev. He speaks of “liberation” but he wants our territory for strategic reasons and for his mines. In these parts our strongest defense, so to reach the goal they will destroy everything. They want to wipe us off the face of the earth, but we will resist.

When does he foresee the attack?

a matter of days. They are repositioning themselves at the borders and in the meantime continue bombing. They have no morals: they will raze hospitals, schools, homes. You know Bucha or Mariupol? With us it will be much worse.


Their fury will be a hundred times stronger and unfortunately we don’t have buildings as robust as in Mariupol. We have no bunkers.

Why don’t you have bunkers?
Because the Russians have been controlling the big cities of the region for 8 years, such as Lugansk, where the most important structures and infrastructures are located, as well as the bunkers. We hide in the basements. I’m trying to get all my citizens to leave.

Why don’t they leave?
Some fear a leap into the void. Others are afraid of losing an apartment, a restaurant, sometimes even just a garage.

What is the most affected city in the region?
Rubijne. There are constant battles. In the city, the former mayor became a Russian spy.

That is?

He not only sided with them, but also shares information about pro-Ukrainian citizens, putting them in danger.

What does it say about Kramatorsk?

The orcs (the Russians, ed.) have the courage to deny their responsibility. They knew that there were civilians to be evacuated in that station and they decided to make a massacre. They used cluster bombs, banned weapons, as they use phosphorus ones. If they start playing with those chemicals, that’s it.

The negotiations discussed a guarantee of protection by some states towards Ukraine in the event of a future aggression. But the Donbass not included.

Zelensky will never give up Donbass territory because he is Ukrainian. I feel the president personally, I know him. Putin will see so many corpses return home that he will no longer be able to lie to people about him. He will have to stay on our terms. And then in a year or two he’ll try to attack us again.

How far away is peace?
One month: May 9th. Mad Putin, he will really try to take over the Lugansk and Donetsk regions by that day, the anniversary of the capitulation of Nazi Germany in 1945.

How do you manage to live in a land under siege for 8 years?

I have no time to think about it, nor to be guided by emotions because I have a responsibility towards my citizens. I try to cheer myself up by hearing my daughter who has just joined my mother in Liguria.

April 9, 2022 (change April 9, 2022 | 23:34)

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