My eldest son and I do counseling

by time news

Guest on his show Grigori Arnautolgou it was last night Katerina Papoutsaki. The popular actress in everything spoke about the divorce her with him Panagiotis Pilafas as well as how she handles it with her two children.

“When you have kids and you’re going through a divorce, that makes it more complex. It’s a new situation, it’s not easy to break up and especially for how the children perceive it. And me and Maximos, my eldest son, do counseling,” Katerina Papoutsaki initially said to continue: “It never occurred to me to stay in this marriage until the children were grown. It seems outrageous to me. That’s how you get used to toxicity.”

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“I am also a child of divorced parents, my parents divorced when I was 6-7 years old. So I try not to repeat the mistakes that they made, because they are engraved in my feeling”, said the actress. He then referred to the relationship that the two parents must have in order to protect their children. “There must be a good relationship, the children must not perceive that the parents are at war. He wants an honest attitude, which at least the children can bear, because on the other hand absolute honesty is not something they can and it is not their role to manage. My eldest son, Maximos, often asks me. The holiday season in particular was a trigger, as he saw that he was not spending time with both parents. It takes time and effort.”

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