My father threatened to kill me

by times news cr

2024-08-21 02:55:29

  • Singer: Dad tested positive for amphetamines
  • Nikola Boyadzhiev: The car was moving inappropriately, i tried to avoid the bump in my lane

Insults and heavy accusations from the fans flooded the social networks of the folk singer Anelia after the serious car accident in which a child was injured.

The incident happened on Sunday morning on the Sofia-Varna road between the villages of Bulgarian Spring and Mikre, where accidents often happen. Anelia rode in an Audi driven by the driver. A family was traveling in the other car, whose 7-year-old boy was taken to the hospital in Lovech, then to Pleven, and finally by the medical helicopter to Sofia.

However, the versions of the child’s father, Nikola Boyadzhiev, and Anelia’s differ.

She claims that Boyadzhiev tested positive for amphetamines. And that after the shock he started kicking the car and threatening to kill them. Attacks rained down under Anelia’s post: “The disaster was caused by your car. What truth do we not know?” how he didn’t beat you – I don’t know”, “How can you not care about the child, what you are! Will it be good for you if this happens to your child?”.

According to the authorities, the car in which the injured child was traveling fell into the roadside ditch, and the singer’s car, in which she was with the driver and her daughter, hit the guardrail (see box).

“Pirogov” reported that the boy was placed in the pediatric intensive care unit on mechanical ventilation and was in a serious condition.

Anelia told about the accident in a video on Instagram: “I am sick for what I experienced in the last days. People are making circuses with this incident. My child was also in the car, who experienced complete hell. The sad thing is that the father of the child, who now takes a soul in the hospital, allows himself to spread lies, and therefore I decided to share the truth with you.”

She admitted that she did not help the injured, but because of the angry father’s reaction: “In addition to you, we were also involved in the accident – the singer also said. – We experienced exactly the same hell as them. We did not go to help and cooperate because the father He was going through some kind of shock. He started kicking our car, threatening to kill us. He started breaking the car window. What the whole Bulgaria doesn’t know is that he tested positive for amphetamines. Then the police took him to the hospital to give a blood sample. So you guys don’t know the truth. Or you know his truth.”

Father Nikola Boyadzhiev’s version is different. He claims that Anelia’s car hit them at a very high speed.

“On Saturday I was at work, I came home at 6 pm and we decided to travel in the morning – the man told a Plovdiv website. – It was the last day of the fair in Oreshak, I was going to take them to the carousels and to my father, who lives in a nearby village. And the trouble happened. After the village of Bulgarian spring, I was driving at about 70-80 km/h. I don’t constantly see the speedometer moment it ends up in my lane. I swerved to avoid the impact but it crashed into my son’s door. After I swerved slightly to avoid the impact, I heard a loud crash and I saw the pillow in front of me. We were off the road,” he recalled.

Boyadzhiev is adamant that his two children were in child seats and with seat belts, but one of them, after the car turned, slipped out of the seat belt and flew out the door.

“I immediately pulled out one of the children and my wife. I saw that the other one was outside and not with me – he continues. – They from the other car did not want to come to see if we were alive or not. In my opinion, they were moving too fast and the person either fell asleep or lost control of the car. I called 112 myself. The people who were stopping tried to help. Everything is now in God’s hands,” says Nikola Boyadzhiev. He is worried that the case will not be covered.

“We are ordinary people, and you know how people with money act. I very much hope that an investigation will be carried out, said the father of the injured boy.”

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