My girlfriend tried to kill me – Diario La Prensa Riobamba

by time news

2023-07-31 16:39:05

My girlfriend tried to kill me. Pablo is a young man of 24 years, he is not from Riobamba, but he has lived here for several years. He came to study at one of the universities and fell in love with our city. He is smiling, pleasant, cheerful, funny, kind and attentive. He considers himself calm, non-violent, and hates a fight. Some time ago, for a year, he experienced violence from his girlfriend: he received psychological and physical attacks, and even almost lost his life…

The courtship began…
Paul was 21 years old. He was studying at one of the Riobamba universities. He met Sofia; she was a year younger than him and she was also from another city. It was at the end of the semester, at Christmas. He started their relationship. For him it was serious, she swore to herself. He loved her and he never thought of making fun of her, let alone leaving her. It was her first serious relationship, so he got engaged “properly.”

The first three months passed, the stage of falling in love was beautiful; but, after that time, the changes began. Smiling, she told that something strange began to happen in the couple’s coexistence. Sofia “was weird”, she began to get angry about everything, and then she showed signs of jealousy. But she wasn’t done, things got worse, her starting to control him.

She wanted him to be alone with her. He forbade her to be friends with women in her classroom, he did not allow her to go out with her friends; even, sometimes, he did not agree to go to class. Her behavior was weird, she said. But things were about to take a more radical turn… It was one day, he was in Sofía’s apartment, he stayed to sleep, and while he was resting he began to ‘slap’ him all over his body, and this for no reason… Apparently, he pointed out He remembered something from his past and took it out on Pablo. And not only that, she threw him out of her apartment at 03:00. She told him: go to your apartment!, and she did so in the middle of the night. The next day she apologized to the university, and he forgave her. “I said: well, maybe she made a mistake like everyone else, and I overlooked it”…

Everything changed…
The days passed. Sofía asked Pablo to stay in her apartment. He agreed and began to go back and forth. However, sometimes, she wanted to be in her apartment and spend time in her own space, but she wouldn’t let her. “He told me: you go to your apartment to have sex with another.” Smile.

He also recalled that, on one occasion, when he went to play video games at a friend’s house, his cell phone ran out of battery, turning off, and this fact generated Sofía’s anger. She returned to the apartment they shared and was rebuked. “She received me like a mother, she told me: who gave you permission?, who gave you permission?, while she slapped her hands,” she recalled.

Months passed, it was already the sixth in the relationship, and things got worse. According to Pablo, his girlfriend began to be jealous of him with her own family. On one occasion, he recounted, he went to a party with his sister and his niece, an act that angered his girlfriend.

But, in addition to jealousy, Sofia began to blackmail him. The young student changed his career without his mother and his family knowing; In addition, he was close to losing the semester and had problems with the rent, since the money that was destined for that service was spent. He was afraid that his mother would find out about her because if she did, she thought that she would take away all her support.

Sofia knew about those situations, and took advantage of them. “If you behave badly, leave me and you don’t do what I tell you, I’ll tell your mom,” she threatened him. The requests began, but under blackmail. He asked her to live in her apartment since, according to Pablo, he wanted him close to her. And without further ado he agreed.

The ‘pisas’ began…
It was the ninth month. She began to live together, and with that the physical attacks began. It was one day, he wanted to leave her to be part of a dinner organized by her classmates, he told her that he was going to leave her, but she got angry. He asked her to come with him, but she did not agree. “He told me: I don’t want to go, and I don’t want you to go either”…

They started arguing. Pablo asked what was wrong with him and, without hesitation, he let him know that he had life. But she got angrier, started yelling at him, saying rude words to him and, in a matter of seconds, she grabbed the chopping board and threw it at the young man, hitting him in the back.

He was stunned, or as he puts it, “cold.” And he couldn’t end the relationship, because he had him under the threat that his mother would find out what she had done. Laughing, he remembered the words that his mother told him: “if you miss the semester, I’ll return you from Riobamba”, which he didn’t want, since he loves this city, and with all his heart.

Sofía apologized to him, and he forgave her, thinking that he was going to change. Days passed and another incident occurred. Pablo was part of a political group at the university, in which he met several people, and one day they held a meeting, which he attended, and upon his return he found his girlfriend “re-angry” with him .

After telling him “you don’t send yourself alone”, he pounced on Pablo. The aim was to damage his face; but, in order to avoid the attack, he pushed her and escaped to her apartment. Upon arrival, the girl contacted him and accused him of having attacked her. “She told me: you hit me, and I’m going to call the police,” she recounted. She also added that she felt very afraid.

Almost a week passed. The college girl came to her apartment and apologized… again. He forgave her, because “in my foolish mind I thought it’s going to change”…

He tried to stab him…
About to celebrate a year of relationship, the turning point of this irrational relationship arrived, and it happened when Pablo decided to end the courtship. They were in her apartment and he told her that he no longer wanted to be with her. She got hysterical. She started to tease him. “He told me: hit me, hit me, finish me!, while he was pulling me,” she said between laughs.

He accepted that at one point he got fed up and thought about slapping him, but he didn’t. She asked him to leave her apartment, but she stayed seated. He insisted, but she didn’t move. He calmed down and wanted to calm her down too, and he told her that he was not ending the relationship… and asked her to calm down… Error!

Jealousy and bad times continued. And Pablo’s best friend found out about this situation. She advised him to leave the relationship, because what she was living was not right. She also told him that if Sofía told his mother about her, and if she took away her support and took him out of the university, he would have to accept it.

He listened. She took courage and set out to end the relationship. It was in February. She clearly remembered the day. It was in Sofía’s apartment, in which they lived. And it was right in that place where he told her that he no longer wanted to be in a relationship with her and, after giving the bad news, the young man prepared to leave the place… She stood at the door and did not allow him to go out…

In this part Pablo no longer smiled, and his attitude changed.

Going back to the story, he again told her that he no longer wanted to be with her and to let him out. He did not do it. Instead, he picked up a cup and tossed it to her. She got upset and reproached him for the action. “I told her: what’s wrong with you, crazy, let me out?”

And those words did not like Sofia. The situation turned terrifying. The girl grabbed a knife and the phrase “you’re not going to finish me off” came out of her mouth, and she “was about to stab me.” The knife tried to reach the side of her navel, but it did not happen, because she has good reflexes and she managed to dodge her stab.

I guess he wanted to kill me, he said. She continued and explained: “I dodge, I grab his arm and we fell to the floor. She had a lot of strength. It was a battle of life or death… we struggled, he wanted to bite me… he managed to get me to drop the knife, I pushed it aside and ran out, looking to get to safety, “she said.

He remembered that it was all so fast. She went to her friend’s house and told her. She took him in for the moment. Two days later, on her birthday, he apologized and suggested that he go back to her. He never answered her again. The holidays and the pandemic came and he lost all contact with her.

ended in tears…
You feel like you did the right thing. He did not want to have contact with the girl. To sentence this terrible stage of his life, he recalled an episode that always remains in his mind. It was one day that he brought her breakfast in bed. Sofía said: “I’m not going to eat that crap”, and she threw away the food… At that time, Pablo did not realize that he was a victim of violence by his partner, but today he is clear about it. After that relationship, he didn’t want to have any more courtships and, to be honest, it wasn’t for less.

The young man feels that these episodes caused him serious psychological effects. I checked. After almost half an hour of interview, in the end, Pablo couldn’t take it anymore and ended up crying. “It’s ugly; according to me I was doing things well; He always blamed me for what happened, ”he lamented through tears.

#girlfriend #kill #Diario #Prensa #Riobamba

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