“My health space”, the new health insurance app to manage your medical file

by time news

“My health space is in the 21ste century what the Carte Vitale was in the XXe century. » It is by this formula that the Ministry of Health launched, on February 3, the Internet site My health space. This free digital health record takes over from the shared medical file (DMP), which since 2011 had attracted only 9 million French people.

→ EXPLANATION. What is “My health space”, this new shared medical file?

It gives access to the patient’s medical file – completed by healthcare professionals –, to secure messaging and to a diary to schedule appointments and vaccination or screening reminders. The goal? Facilitate the care pathway and improve coordination between professionals.

A safe to store your health documents

So no more forgetting the GP’s prescription once you arrive at the physiotherapist, the prescription will be available on My health space, as will the reports of X-rays, MRIs and other blood tests. Everyone will be able to complete their medical profile by indicating allergies, current treatments and advance directives. Particularly useful information in the event of emergency hospitalization or when the patient consults a doctor who is not his own.

→ DEBATE. Should we adopt “My health space”, the new digital medical record?

Each user will be free to share or hide their documents from a particular professional. In addition, he will be able to observe who has consulted or modified his file. “The DMP was created for professionals and administration. There, for the first time, the keys to the truck are given to the patient. He is the one who will manage his medical data. It’s a real step for democracy in health,” greets Gérard Raymond, president of France Assos health (1).

Data protection, the patient in hand

The health spaces of the 69 million people insured by social security will be open unless the holder objects. By the end of March, health insurance will send, by post or email, a code allowing you to activate your account or refuse to open it – you will have to connect to monespacesante.fr. In case of loss of the confidential code, or if you do not wish to wait for its reception, it is already possible to generate one from the site. A telephone number (3422) has also been set up to exercise your right of opposition.

If there is no response within six weeks, the space will automatically be opened. However, at any time, the user may request the closure of the account and the deletion of his data. Note that to support people who are remote from digital practice, a network of volunteers will be deployed to help get started with the tool.

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