My mom could have Alzheimer’s: what should I do and who should I go to? The steps to follow and how to behave

by time news

Losing your way home, constantly forgetting things, not recognizing a loved one, placing objects in the strangest places, having difficulty finding words, understanding speech, counting and doing normal everyday activities, getting angry for no reason, neglecting personal hygiene. These are the symptoms of dementia, an invisible disease that disrupts the lives of those who suffer from it and those close to them. Featuring a progressive deterioration of brain functionentails an enormous burden of disability, which health and welfare services urgently need to address. Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form (60%-70% of cases). The World Health Organization estimates at more than 55 million people with dementia. In Italy, the Higher Institute of Health calculates about 1.1 million and another 900,000 with mild cognitive decline“that in 40-50% of cases after 5 years they encounter a dementia disorder” specifies Camillus Marra, director of the Memory Clinic of the Gemelli hospital in Rome and president of the Italian Society of Neurology for Dementia. «But only half of patients today are followed by care services – declares Marra -, the rest is managed at home without a diagnosis and adequate treatment, due to lack of awareness and lack of clinical references to turn to ».

«Pronto Alzheimer!» is the telephone line for free advice and support, managed by the Italian Alzheimer Federation. Responds to 02.809767, from 9 to 18 from Monday to Friday. By contacting the social services of the Municipality, however, the family can apply for the Home care service (Sad) if the person is no longer self-sufficient. You pay an hourly rate depending on the Isee.

Here are the steps to follow

Here how to behave

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