My niece is sitting in a shelter in Kiev

by time news

Asi Maman

Hannah Knyazeva Minenko (Reuters)

Hannah Knyazeva Minenko (Reuters)

Athlete Hannah Knyazeva Minenko, who immigrated to Israel from Ukraine, turned on the television this morning (Thursday) in astonishment. Her family is in Ukraine and her concern for family members is great.

Minenko She told ONE: “My heart aches for what is happening there. I care for all the people of Ukraine. No one believed it would happen, after all the wars that had passed. The Russian people and the Ukrainian people have had relatively good relations, and even my father is Russian and my mother is Ukrainian, so for me what is happening there is strange. I talked to them, they are fine, but I do not really know what could happen. “

The athlete who is currently in Israel added: “My family from Cherkasy is in the center of the country and they did not think that Russia would attack there but only in the east, but my niece is currently sitting in a shelter in Kiev. It is terrible. I did not think it would be so serious.

Military truck in Donetsk (Reuters)Military truck in Donetsk (Reuters)

A week ago I talked to my family and told them ‘maybe you will come to Israel?’, And also at my job they wanted to help them, but in my family they did not believe that something so big would happen there and of course no one wants to leave his house. Today I turned on the TV in the morning, I saw there were explosions all over the country and I could not believe it. I hope it will be good. “

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