”my nomination as ‘étoile’ is an unexpected gift, congratulations from Bolle”

by time news

2023-11-10 20:34:38

“An unexpected gift from the theatre, to be nominated étoile, which happened in a different way, on the stage, as happens at the Paris Opéra. Roberto Bolle congratulated me, I saw the joy in his eyes. All this made me happy It made me even happier.” Nicoletta Manni, promoted on Wednesday evening ‘étoile’ of the Scala Theater Company in Milan by the superintendent Dominique Meyer and the ballet director Manuel Legris, at the end of ‘Onegin’ danced together with Roberto Bolle, speaks with time.news after the investiture. “I love the role of Tatjana in ‘Onegin’, so dramatic, so strong, one of my favorite roles – he adds – Very strong character, Tatjana has the courage to abandon a youthful love, accepting that life has gone differently. A nomination, with this character, which is a bit of a consecration. I couldn’t wish for anything else.”

Originally from Galatina, in the province of Lecce, Nicoletta Manni grew up at the Teatro alla Scala School before joining the company. “I started with a great dream, dancing, it was what I wanted to do and I pursued this dream of mine with all my strength – she adds – I made sacrifices, there were sacrifices, but I was rewarded. I made my life the my passion. Being on stage, being able to experience your emotions is the greatest result.”

Last summer (with Roberto Bolle as wedding witness) the wedding in her native Galatina with the lead dancer, of Latvian origin, Timofej Andrijashenko. “My husband has always been by my side, he shares every joy and every pain with me. He is the most important person – continues Nicoletta Manni – There has always been a deep bond between us. Marriage has given us a greater awareness, that that we are now linked forever.”

“Being with my husband is a joy, which is renewed every day. Timofej has Russian and Ukrainian blood in his veins – she recalls – The recent conflict between Russia and Ukraine is terrible, worrying, it also deeply affects our family and in particular Timofej, his grandparents, still in Russia, could not come to our wedding, but above all the world of dance. No longer having relationships with our friends, with our colleagues is unfair. And then Russia is the homeland of dance It’s all so incomprehensible.”

A book written by Nicoletta Manni for Garzanti publisher, ‘The joy of dancing’, has recently appeared, which traces her career through some of the symbolic characters of the ballets performed by the étoile of La Scala, from Aurora to Tatjana, to Giulietta. “I was interested in talking about dance, it can never be talked about enough – confesses Nicoletta Manni – I talk about my relationship with the heroines of dance, I bring my personal experience into play and I tell how to approach a role. A book that is ultimately one cross-section of life and stage”.

And about the corps de ballet of the Teatro alla Scala in Milan, Nicoletta Manni explains: “Manuel Legris was a great dancer, now he is proving to also be a great director. The company is young, full of talent, golden years, we are enjoying all of this wonderful moment.”

#nomination #étoile #unexpected #gift #congratulations #Bolle

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