My political contribution is not programmed to an announced failure

by time news

“My political contribution is not scheduled for an announced failure”

29 mars 2023

Since the vacation of my very dear Cadet Alain Claude Billi-bi-Nzé in Paris, the national press, social networks, forums, not to mention my political friends are wondering, with good reason, about my possible return to Gabon and especially of my entry into government.

To all, I would say that it is not so at all. I chose, in all soul and conscience in accordance with my vonvictions and political principles that govern my life, to position myself in opposition to power and not in opposition to power. This choice, which I fully assume, has caused me the wrath of power and assassination attempts. Since seven (7), I live in exile in France while leading with other compatriots, the democratic fight that I describe as fair, legitimate and noble.

In the rules of the political game, the adversaries clash on ideological and doctrinal bases and not by guns and targeted assassinations. These rules prescribe expediency compromises (not to be confused with compromise) established on clear bases, hence the formation of coalition governments.

Indeed, the coalition Governments are formed from a political vision developed taking into account the similarities and programmatic convergences well arranged and calibrated of the Parties; they determine the temporality and the actions to be implemented in the short, medium and long terms. .Any other form of participation in a government is a servile poaching whose profitability is equal to zero.

Gabonese political case law on the subject is very eloquent. So a possible participation of Al.Nguia Banda in a Government would bring nothing at all given the acuteness of the historical vicissitudes, the obstacles to professional rigor and the depravity of the ambient political space.

Mr. Alain Claude Billi-bi-Nzé is entitled to contact whoever he wants to form his next Government even if he ignores the rules governing political orthodoxy. It is his right but I also have the right to decline a political offer which may seem very attractive to me but incompatible with my convictions, the defense of the general interest and the rational and efficient management of the state.

Mr. Alain Claude Billi-bi-Nzé may be driven by an unwavering desire to move the lines by instilling a new dynamic of governance, but I am very convinced that he will not succeed. My political contribution is not scheduled for an announced failure.

Al.Nguia Banda, Political refugee,

Doctor of Law, DEA in the history of ideas, France.

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