“My soul’s desired limit!” / “Tere, tundmatu sugupõlv!”

by time news

2023-05-31 11:00:39

Narva, a monument to A.S. Pushkin, photo: Natalia Starostina

Every year, on the birthday of the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin, a celebration is held in Narva dedicated to his work. It will be this year too. Narvitians remember how they repeatedly participated in quizzes, competitions, and concerts.

Since 2019, the Russian Cultural Society “Nadezhda” has been actively involved in organizing and holding Poetry Day.
This year we decided to hold a holiday at the monument to Pushkin. This is a significant place: favorite poems sound great here, stories about how the son, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the poet are connected with Narva, how the people of Narva in 1937, on the 100th anniversary of the death of the poet, Pochtovaya Street was renamed Alexander Pushkin Street.

We borrowed the name of this holiday from a wonderful book that was published in Tallinn in 2012: this is a collection of poems by the poet in Russian and Estonian, “My soul’s desired limit! /Tere, tundmatu sugupõlv!”.

So, dear friends, on June 6 we invite you to the monument to Pushkin at 14.00.
Two events will take place here: firstly, a folk concert – everyone who wants to read the poems of their favorite poet will be given an open microphone, and secondly, the photo contest “A family is filmed against the backdrop of Pushkin.” From 14.00 to 16.00, families wishing to take part in the competition must come to the monument so that our photographer can take a photo of the family. In order to be able to come up with an interesting photo story, a special tent will contain props: a wide variety of accessories that will help you mentally go back to the nineteenth, Pushkin’s, century.

Photo: Natalia Starostina

All participants will receive small gifts. But it’s not about gifts, is it?
Those who do not have time to join the Pushkin readings on this day will be able to visit the language cafe of the national cultural societies of Narva on the Days of the City, June 11, and take part in a quiz about Pushkin and his works.
We are waiting for everyone for the holiday!

Larisa Olenina

The post “My soul’s desired limit!” / “Tere, tundmatu sugupõlv!” first appeared on gazeta.ee.

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