My throat hurts when I swallow. Which can be the causes?

by time news

Having a sore throat is very common. Its location, an inside part of the neck that connects the mouth with the esophagus, makes it exposed to the outside and to suffer various attacks, such as microorganisms. These aggressions manifest themselves in the form of irritation, inflammation and pain, especially when we swallow.

Known in medical terms as odynophagia, sore throat when swallowing manifests itself when ingesting liquids, solid foods and even saliva, and can be accompanied by burning, pressure, plaques, etc. The causes can be multiple, from the most banal, such as a common cold, or some more serious, such as tumors, which are much less common. In some of them it will be necessary to consult the doctor.

Infections, the main cause

In the vast majority of cases, sore throat when swallowing is related to infections, especially virals, but also bacterial or fungal. Among the viral ones, those of colds stand out, which usually cause sore throats and pharyngitis in the first days of the infection. In other more serious infections also caused by viruses, they can cause a sore throat, from the flu, measles, mononucleosis, chickenpox and even a sore throat is one of the first symptoms that covid-19 can cause, disease caused by SARS-CoV-2.

Sore throat can also be caused by bacterial infections. The most common is strep throat.which usually causes a very intense sore throat, even when swallowing saliva, and manifests itself in the form of plaques of pus in the area.

Other non-infectious causes

Although less common, there are also many non-infectious causes that can cause a sore throat when swallowing, as the Mayo Clinic points out:

Allergies. Common allergies, such as allergies to pet dander, pollen or dust can cause irritation and swelling of the throat and, therefore, pain when we swallow. If, in addition, we have a runny nose and congestion, the accumulated mucus can further irritate the throat and worsen the pain. This can happen with allergies, but also with respiratory infections.

Dryness. Dry indoor air, especially in environments where the heating or air conditioning is on, can dry out the lining of the throat and irritate it, resulting in pain. This can also happen when we breathe through our mouths.

Girl with tonsillitis at the doctor's office.

Toxic and irritating agents. Toxic substances, such as tobacco, pollution, or other chemicals, also irritate the throat and cause pain when swallowing.

Muscle tension. We cause tension in the throat when we yell, cough a lot, or talk for long periods of time. Tension produces irritation and pain.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Reflux, which occurs when stomach acids build up in the esophagus, can also cause the throat to become irritated and sore.

HIV. People with HIV positive can suffer chronic or recurring sore throat due, mainly to oral candidiasis or cytomegalovirus, infections common in people with depressed immune systems.

Tumors. Tumors in the throat, tongue, or larynx can cause a sore throat.

Abscess. An abscess occurs when, mainly due to a bacterial infection that has spread, there is an accumulation of pus in the tonsils or in the pharynx. These abscesses produce severe sore throats, as well as a fever that is usually high.

Epiglottitis The epiglottis is a small flap of tissue that closes the entrance to the larynx and trachea during swallowing. If it is infected, viral or bacterial, epiglottitis occurs, inflammation causes intense pain when swallowing and can even close the trachea, especially in babies and children.

When to go to the doctor

Some of the causes of a sore throat when swallowing can be serious, requiring immediate medical attention. This is the case of abscesses and epiglottitis, for example, and also of tumors. If any of these signs occur, it is advisable to see a doctor as soon as possible:

•Respiratory difficulty


• Noise on inspiration

•Voice changes

• Lump in the back of the throat

•If the pain is very intense or does not subside in a few days

•If there are other symptoms such as fatigue or high fever

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