“My truth about Richard III, neither hunchback nor tyrant”

by time news

He was not corrupt, he was not a hunchback (he simply had a slight, invisible scoliosis), he was not a tyrant and he was not a usurper, on the contrary, unlike how William Shakespeare portrayed him, he was a loyal king, brave in battle, devoted to his people. ‘The Lost King’ directed by Stephen Frears will be released in Italy. The film that traces the extraordinary discovery of the English scholar Philippa Langley linked to the discovery of the remains of Richard III under a car park in the city of Leicester, an area where the Franciscan convent of the Gray Friars once stood, where the ‘bloodthirsty’ sovereign was been buried.

In an interview with the French weekly ‘Point de vue’ Philippa Langley confided that she had worked hard and above all read a lot (the biography of Paul Murray Kendall, in particular) and above all denies the black legend about the last descendant of the Plantagenets. “Unfortunately, history has always been written by the winners – he says – Shakespeare and many authors were in the pay of the Tudor family and the goal was to legitimize the new dynasty, in particular Henry VII, by discrediting the past. Shakespeare’s tragedy is an immense work, with my work I finally wanted to restore the truth”.

Philippa Langley also received the ‘blessing’ of the then Queen Elizabeth and today years later and after the release of the film she decided to come across another impossible mission. “I called it ‘The Missing Princes Projet’ – he still reveals to ‘Point de vue’ – At the center of my research is the mysterious disappearance of Edward IV’s children in the Tower of London. In a few months we will announce part of the absolutely fascinating discoveries” .

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