Myanmar: Military helicopters attacked the school… 13 people including 7 children were killed! | 13 including 7 children killed as Myanmar army helicopters target school

by time news

At least 13 people, including 7 children, have been killed and 17 injured in an attack by military helicopters on a school in Myanmar.

The operation was said to have been carried out after insurgents tried to attack the army at the school, which is located in a Buddhist monastery in Let Yet Khon village in central Sagaing region. It is said that some children died on the spot in the firing by the army and the bodies of the dead were taken to the town about 11 kilometers away and buried by the army. The attack is said to have taken place last Friday.

Helicopter attack

On February 1, 2020, the military seized power in Myanmar. Following this, the military is taking strict action against those who oppose the military regime.

It is alleged that the army is indiscriminately attacking civilians. Also, the army is said to have killed at least 1,600 civilians and arrested more than 12,000 people so far.

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