Mysterious: a UFO is filmed flying over a cemetery south of Greater Buenos Aires

by time news

2023-09-18 17:22:46

While, like every day, early in the morning, he headed towards his bakery located in the Buenos Aires town of Quilmesand merchant He stopped his vehicle in the presence of a strange very bright object in the sky which caught his attention.

As the merchant explained to the newspaper The Sunthe event took place on 06:00 a.m. yesterday, Sunday, September 17when, while circulating with his van down the street Martin Rodriguez upon reaching the height of the Campo Dorado private cemeterysuddenly saw an object that It gave off a particular and strong light that illuminated the then still very dark sky.

Very surprised and believing it was a starquickly, the baker enabled his phone’s camera cell phone to take photos and movier that strange phenomenon of which he was being the privileged protagonist.

However, when zoominghe realized that he was a stranger ball what was spinning at high speed and without stoppingwhile Inside it he managed to detect a huge gray circle.

At the same moment I started recording it, the object started moving. It was clear that It wasn’t a star. as I thought at first, but in a UFO“, stated the merchant and author of the video that, in a matter of minutes, went viral in the networks social.

For its part, after watching and carefully analyzing the video several times, he lawyer, teacher and UFO specialist, Alejandro Di Noto, assured what ““What this lucky Quilmeño baker recorded is an Unidentified Flying Object.”

“People have to be open to these phenomena because we are not alone in this dimension,” concluded the specialist.

#Mysterious #UFO #filmed #flying #cemetery #south #Greater #Buenos #Aires

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