Mysterious hepatitis children, WHO launches investigation

by time news

The alarm widens for cases of acute hepatitis of unknown origin in healthy children reported by the United Kingdom, a phenomenon “monitored” by the World Health Organization. But “although some patients have tested positive for Sars-CoV-2 or adenovirus, it is necessary to undertake the genetic characterization of the viruses to determine any associations between cases”, specifies the WHO Europe which “strongly recommends” to the States of ” identify, investigate and report potential cases “. For now, the organization “does not recommend any travel restrictions” in countries where these liver infections of unknown cause have been recorded: in addition to the United Kingdom, also Ireland and Spain.

WHO – explains the agency’s European regional office – was informed on 5 April of 10 cases of severe acute hepatitis of unknown origin in children under 10 (11 months-5 years) in central Scotland. 74 cases were identified in the UK by 8 April, including 10 Scots. “Hepatitis A, B, C, E and D viruses have been ruled out after laboratory tests, while further investigations are underway to understand the etiology of these cases,” WHO noted in a statement. “Given the increase in cases reported in the last month and the strengthening of screening activities, it is likely that more cases will be reported in the coming days,” the experts warn.

“After the first signs in the United Kingdom – the WHO Europe still reconstructs – cases of acute hepatitis of unknown origin in children have also been recorded in Ireland, less than 5 (confirmed or possible). But 3 cases have also been reported in Spain confirmed in children aged 22 months to 13 years. Local authorities are currently investigating these cases. ”

Of the 10 Scottish cases reported on April 5 by the International Health Regulations (Ihr) National Focal Point (Nfp), “9 children experienced symptoms in March, while one developed symptoms in January – details WHO Europe – Symptoms included jaundice. , diarrhea, vomiting and abdominal pain. All 10 cases were detected during hospitalization. ” No deaths were recorded as of 11 April.

The UK, the agency notes, “recently observed an increase in adenovirus activity, which is co-circulating with Sars-CoV-2, although the role of these viruses in the pathogenesis of the disease is still unclear – reiterates the WHO – To date, no other epidemiological risk factors have been identified, including recent international travel by patients “.

“Overall, the etiology of current hepatitis cases is still considered unknown and remains the subject of active investigation. Laboratory tests are underway for the identified cases – reports the organization – to understand the role of further infections, chemicals. or toxins “.

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