Mysterious Places in World: Do not Visit There | Mysterious places in the world that should never be visited

by time news

While many places in the world are interesting, some are scary, some are mysterious, some of them are forbidden to visit. List of Mysterious Places in the World


No one in the world would like to visit this place. The Brazilian Navy has banned access to the island. The real name of this island is Ilha de Queimada Grande, where more than 4 thousand dangerous snakes live. It is also home to the world’s most venomous golden lancehead snake


Located in the Raven Rock Mountain complex in Pennsylvania, USA, Site-R is one of the most mysterious places in America. Here behind large steel doors is an underground nuclear bunker, 60 stories below ground level. Developed considering the scenario of nuclear war or foreign invasion. No human can go here.


More than 250 million seeds are hidden in a vault in the North Sea off the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen. The Svalbard Global Seed Vault is housed here so that in the event of the world’s destruction, human civilization can be revived. These seeds are capable of withstanding any natural outrage or any kind of eruption, but only researchers with permission can go here.


Mezhgorye in Russia is known as a closed city. Only certain people are allowed to come here. Some believe that a secret nuclear program is taking place around Mount Yamandav.


Vatican City, the holy city of Christians, is a very small country. A special place in the holy city with magnificent architecture is completely closed to tourists. This place is ‘Vatican Secret Archives’. It is one of the oldest libraries in the world and contains ancient books and texts. Some believe that this place may contain books containing evidence of alien presence

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