Her office General Confederation of Professional Craft Merchants of Greece (GSEVEE) met with the Minister of Labor and Social Security, Niki Kerameos, and the Deputy Minister, Kostas Karagounis. The implementation of the Digital Work Card was put at the center of the discussion.

The minister noted that the implementation of the measure will be constantly improved, through the ministry’s open dialogue with the partners, as it is a measure that overall strengthens the correct application of labor legislation.

At the same time, Ms. Kerameos underlined the importance of the cooperation between the Ministry of Labor and Social Security and the Ministry of Education, Religion and Sports, aiming to detect the needs of the labor market and the shortages in specialties and skills, so that they are taken into account by the educational system, such as, for example, the specialties offered by the public IEK.

For the Collective Agreements

In addition, the minister emphasized the importance given by the ministry to the promotion of negotiations for the signing of Collective Labor Agreements, as well as to the integration of the European directive on the determination of adequate minimum wages.

Finally, Ms. Kerameos praised the importance of continuous and open dialogue with the national social partners, with a sincere pursuit of solving all the issues that arise.

As stated in the relevant announcement, the meeting was attended by the General Secretary of Labor Relations, Anna Stratinaki, the General Secretary of Social Insurance, Nikos Milapidis and, from GSEVEE, the president of the Board of the Confederation, Georgios Cavvathas, the General Secretary of the Board, Dimitrios Vargiamis , the Administrative Director of IME & KEK GSEVEE-KDVM, Stamatis Vardaros, the Coordinator of the Research, Documentation and Analysis Unit of IME GSEVEE, Georgios Thanopoulos and the Executive Director of IME/GSEVEE, Paraskevas Lindzeris.

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