A new social contract was requested by the Minister of Labor and Social Security, Niki Kerameos, during the meeting she had today with the presidency of the General Confederation of Greek Workers (GSEE)

Mrs. Kerameos addressed a call to the representatives of the workers for a continuous and constructive social dialogue around all open issues, pledging that the door of the ministry will always be open to all.

Referring to her priorities as Minister of Labor and Social Security, she stated that she has placed a high priority on the protection of workers’ rights, noting that the implementation of the Digital Work Card, which records real working time and will gradually be implemented, will contribute significantly in this direction in all private sector enterprises.

The burden of signing Collective Labor Agreements

At the same time, he underlined that particular importance is also given to the promotion of negotiations for the signing of Collective Labor Agreementsas well as in the integration of the European directive on determining adequate minimum wages.

In addition, areferred to the strengthening of the Supreme Labor Council, in order to further strengthen the framework of social dialogue.

Finally, the minister emphasized that has already asked the Labor Inspection Authority to intensify inspections in all branches, as well as data on the progress of the audits from 2021 until today.

Consecutive meetings

As pointed out in a related announcement, a series of consecutive meetings planned by Mrs. Kerameos with all the national social partners was launched with the GSEE, indicative of the priority the minister gives to the representatives of workers and businesses.

Next is the meeting with the General Confederation of Professional Craft Traders of Greece (GSEVEE), which is scheduled for Friday, July 5, 2024, at 11:00 a.m., while next week, meetings with the other social partners will also follow.

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