(24News) Actress Nadia Khan has criticized the director Kemerain while expressing her indignation over the inappropriate scenes of Hareem Farooq in the recently aired drama “Bismal”.
Nadia Khan has commented on Hareem Farooq’s acting, drama story, scenography and other matters in the drama serial “Bismal” in the show “Kya Drama Hai” of 24 News, the host of this show is Makram Kaleem.
During the program, where he described the story of “Bismal” as a bit of a real life story, he also criticized for showing Hareem Farooq in an inappropriate manner and said that why did the director and cameraman show Hareem Farooq in an inappropriate way? Why did they show him in bold from behind his body? went
He said that Hareem Farooq would not know how the cameraman was showing him, but the cameraman and the director knew very well what they were showing, the director and cameraman should not show Hareem Farooq in this way It should have been the way he showed them.
Nadia Khan said that everyone, including her, should have the heroines of their dramas in good style and physical features, their scenes should not be shot in this way, if the cameraman and director had recorded during the shooting, they removed it during editing and It could have been improved but they did not do it.
After Nadia Khan’s video showing Hareem Farooq inappropriately in the drama went viral, fans commented on her comment calling it a drama and wrote that actresses wear bold and short dresses in normal events and now they object to the scenes of the drama. is happening
It should be noted that in “Bismal” Hareem Farooq has played the role of a poor girl who marries her boss for wealth.
2024-09-10 09:21:10