Naftali Bennett confesses: “I entered one person and left a different person”

by time news

The gala evening commemorating 50 years of activity of the Gesher organization which took place this evening (Wed) at the “Expo” in Tel Aviv with the participation of the President of the State, Yitzhak Herzog, the Alternate Prime Minister, Naftali Bennett, the Minister of Culture and Sports Hili Troper, the Chairman of Gesher and the Shevast Police Commissioner Formerly (retired rabbi of Gonder) Orit Adato.

In his speech, Naftali Bennett referred to the tense election system and the polarization in society: “In the past year, I entered one person and left a different person, and I know today that the number one challenge is the fight against polarization and that we will be loved. The other challenges are also difficult, the economy, security and crime, but unlike them, if we do not address the problem of polarization then We are paralyzed, and if we are paralyzed, nothing can be done.”

I know today that the number one challenge is the fight against polarization and hatred

The alternative prime minister spoke out harshly towards the voices in the opposition regarding the gas agreement with Lebanon: “We are witnessing the debate surrounding the gas issue with Lebanon, we want to tell you for sure that if the opposition was in the government and the government was in the opposition, everything would look the other way around. The opposite government would uphold the gas agreement, it would She praises it and calls it a ‘tremendous agreement’, ‘the agreements of Abraham Yitzchak and Jacob together’. On the other hand, the opposition would attack the move and call it an agreement that harms Israel’s democracy.”

Photo: Shimon Malol

He also added that “the core of the problem today is that once upon a time there was a system of beliefs and a person would vote according to his ideology. Today the ideology is chosen according to the party and not the party according to the ideology. We need to discuss things on the merits and reach the best result, then after the agreement there would be no celebration Or mourn because it was done out of a real discussion.”

The Gesher organization, which was founded in the early 1970s by Rabbi Danny Trooper and works throughout the years to connect and strengthen the relationship between the various parts of the people, celebrates 50 years of activity today. During the evening, the President of the State, Yitzhak Herzog awarded the “Ot Moft Gesher” for making connections and bridges in Israeli society to the chairperson of the “Ano” museum Irina Nebzlin, the mayor of Beit Shemesh Dr. Aliza Bloch, and the singer, writer and playwright Kobi Oz.

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