Nahouri: An association celebrates Nahouri Widow’s Day | BIA

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Nahouri: An association celebrates Nahouri Widow’s Day

Po, (AIB)-The Djouatiina Association “hope for tomorrow” of Pô organized on Saturday March 11, 2023 in Pô, the 2nd edition of the day of the widow of Nahouri. The ceremony was chaired by the Secretary General of the Province of Nahouri, Sanfiénalé joseph Sirima.

It is under the theme “widows of Nahouri, what future does tomorrow’s society have in store for you, what fight should you lead on a daily basis to get out of the yoke of filthy suffering which has been unfairly imposed on you” that the Djouatiina de Pô Association organized the 2nd edition of Nahouri Widow’s Day.

Two presentations were given on the consumption of narcotics, drugs and adulterated drinks and the preventive measures developed by the regional anti-drug unit of Pô and on the rights of widows and orphans given by the president of the tribunal de grande instance of Po.

The President of the Association, Salimata Bayigabou, painted a dark picture of the widow’s life which can be summed up, among other things, by accusations of witchcraft, levirate and humiliation of all kinds.

She urged widows to use this setting as an opportunity to give them courage after the hard times of widowhood.

While welcoming the relevance of the communications, Ms. Bayigabou said she was convinced that this framework would enable these widows to become aware of their role in society, before inviting them to use the tools acquired to raise awareness and educate their children.

The godmother and president of the women’s cell of the Manega call, Denise Koudougou, daughter of the province of Nahouri, expressed on the one hand her gratitude and her commitment towards this layer of the population and on the other hand greeted the leaders of the Association which carries out daily community development activities in favor of the populations of Nahouri.

For the Secretary General of the province, Sanfiénalé Joseph Sirima, this day is full of emotion because widows experience enormous difficulties and widowhood is not inevitable.

This is why he invited people of good will to support the Association, which showed itself positively in the field.

Based on the theme of this second edition, the secretary general of the province welcomed the mobilization of women around the activities of this day and invited the widows to play their part for a Burkina Faso of peace and cohesion.

“Because it is together that Faso will succeed in the challenges of the moment”, concluded Mr. Sirima.

The Djouatiina association handed over 12 bags of 50 kg of rice and organized a series of training on liquid soap, caramel, sweet sesame and shared a community meal with the widows.

“These trainings will enable these widows to meet their daily needs and take care of their children’s education,” said the Secretary General of the Kadoua Wetta association.

Burkina Information Agency


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