Najran.. Outstanding investment and historical advantages – Al-Bilad Newspaper

by time news

Country – Najran

The media campaign “This is Najran”, launched by His Highness Prince Gallawi bin Abdulaziz bin Musaed, Governor of the Najran region, on the 27th of last February, is witnessing a great interaction from government and private agencies, as well as citizens and residents through social platforms.

The media campaign aims to introduce the region’s tourist, archaeological and historical sites, popular heritage and craft industries, in addition to highlighting the Najran identity and commercial and investment sites through official social media platforms, with the participation of government and private agencies, citizens, residents and visitors, and will continue until the end of the current year 2023.

The Najran region has many prominent cultural and historical advantages through the “Cultural Hima Region”, which joined the World Heritage List of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization “UNESCO” as a cultural site of exceptional global value for human heritage. It is one of the largest open museums of rock artifacts. It includes 550 rock paintings that contain hundreds of thousands of inscriptions and rock drawings, written in the Thamudic, Nabataean, Southern Musnad, Syriac and Greek pens, in addition to early Arabic inscriptions “from the pre-Islamic period”, which are the beginnings of modern Arabic calligraphy, as well as the archaeological site of Al-Ukhdood with its evidence. The archeology that tells the period of human settlement in the region, during the first millennium BC to the end of the fourth century AD.

Craft industries constitute a social heritage that highlights the cultural diversity and social development in the region, and includes leather industries, jewelry, daggers, and traditional folk costumes, in addition to wood, stone, pottery, woolen, and wicker crafts, which are popular with visitors and tourist delegations from outside the region. The Najran region is distinguished by its architectural heritage and mud houses that are spread in agricultural villages, and it includes more than 34 heritage villages and hundreds of mud houses, some of which date back more than 300 years, to form, with palm plantations on the Najran Valley, picturesque landscapes visited by visitors and those interested in history and architectural heritage. Folklore in the region is one of the most important features of Najrani society, which blends with its conscience in its celebrations and community life. The Najran region is an agricultural land characterized by soil fertility, abundance of water and moderate weather, as the agricultural area extends over an area estimated at 7,806 hectares, and is famous for the cultivation of palm trees, citrus fruits, grapes and many fruits and vegetables, in addition to the cultivation of wheat, fodder, etc. of minerals.

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