“Name the playground after Anne Frank”

by time news

“Memory is the privilege that we must bestow on future generations so that they do not have to experience first-hand the crudeness of that history dishonored by abuse, by violence, by dictatorship, by suppressed rights. By inhumanity.

A warning to continue to make them aware of, daily. Above all because the Holocaust was a horror that we still do not seem to have fully understood, if the world continues to witness impassively waves of violence against defenseless and innocent peoples.”

Thus in a note from the Anpi Locri-Gerace section: “Over a million Jewish children and adolescents died during the Nazi-fascist persecutions of the Second World War and – even today – thousands of children lose their lives, every day, in the dozens of absurd wars in course throughout the world. Anne Frank was one of them, a young Jewish girl who tragically died in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp, author of the diary through which we know the drama she faced, together with her family. Together with millions of other people, without any fault.

An evocative symbol of the Nazi-fascist genocide that we should never stop talking about to younger people, especially. A task that falls to primary institutions, to the community within which young people cultivate their roots, to each of us.”

The Anpi section of Locri-Gerace, in its constant work of memory and awareness, considering the evocative power of symbols important, intends to propose to the municipal administration of Locri, the council, the mayor, Giuseppe Fontana, and the entire municipal council to name the large space of the playground in the southern area of ​​the city seafront dedicated to Anne Frank, with the dual objective of making the memory and sacrifice of this young woman eternal and of planting the seed of memory and awareness in the consciences of our children, making them sentinels of rights, democracy and freedom.

“This part of the seafront – continues the note – is a space dedicated to families, to children, to young people, to carefreeness, the same that has been taken away from millions of their peers, even before their lives, dragging them and their families into the most great desperation that history has ever experienced. A city, ours, which has the historical-social structure to present itself as an example of conscience and awareness in the face of the tragedies of history. Our section makes itself available to share the organizational aspects, also imagining the ‘use of new technologies, so that anyone who passes by that place can know, know, remember”.

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