Named the best time to go to bed

by time news

Not all somnologists support the common belief about the need for 8-hour sleep for the health of the body. Scientists notice that the biological rhythms and other characteristics of the body are individual for each person, because someone needs more time to get a good night’s sleep, while someone needs 5-6 hours. But researchers are unanimous in one thing: the regime is important, you should fall asleep and wake up every day at about the same time. Knocked down “internal clock” causes chronic fatigue and negatively affects all body systems: the brain works worse, the body gets tired faster, the aging process accelerates.

According to researchers, the ideal time to go to bed is between 10 and 11 pm. According to Harper’s Bazaar, at this time, the level of cortisol, the stress hormone, decreases in the body, and the level of melatonin, the sleep hormone, begins to rise. According to a number of studies, 76% of people who go to bed at a specified time interval feel fresh and rested in the morning.

However, not everyone can afford to go to bed so “early”. Someone does not allow work, someone – business, and someone is just a “owl” and by midnight, on the contrary, they have a “second wind”. If people from the last category try to fall asleep at 22-23 hours, most likely, this will lead to nothing but insomnia. For them and others who are not ready to go to bed before midnight, the researchers have developed a curious recommendation.

It is believed that one complete cycle of sleep lasts 90 minutes, and sleep should consist of several such cycles. For example, 6 hours, 7.5 or 9. If awakening occurs at the height of the next cycle, there will be a feeling of weakness, even if the total duration of sleep was the same “set” 8 hours. To control sleep cycles in the modern world, they even came up with special devices – today even fitness bracelets and smart watches can perform their function, which control sleep phases and can wake up the owner at the end of the next cycle.

It was because of the violation of the cycles that a delusion arose about the dangers of daytime sleep – supposedly after a day’s rest, instead of a feeling of cheerfulness, on the contrary, a feeling of drowsiness and fatigue comes. So it will be if the dream during the day is not a multiple of the already mentioned 90 minutes. So it is recommended to sleep in the daytime for one and a half hours or three, if time allows.

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