Named vegetable oil, significantly increases cholesterol

by time news

Experts called a lot of products with which you can lower the level of cholesterol in the blood. But there are such products, and useful in appearance, which significantly increase this level. As you know, high cholesterol can cause serious cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, it is so important not to eat foods that contain saturated fats and ultimately lead to an increase in blood cholesterol levels. In particular, we are talking about one popular vegetable oil, which is now used for the preparation of many semi-finished products and culinary products.

The Daily Express dedicated its material to palm oil and, referring to the Journal of Nutrition, notes that eating palm oil increases the level of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, the so-called “bad” cholesterol.

The fact is that palm oil contains a large amount of saturated fat compared to other types of vegetable oil. Therefore, when eating foods containing palm oil, LDL cholesterol levels can rise dramatically.

In addition to palm oil, a lot of saturated fats are found in butter, ghee, lard, lard, coconut oil.

Therefore, cakes, cookies, fatty meats, sausages, sausages, bacon, cream, sour cream, ice cream, sweet pastries should be excluded from the diet. Cheese is better to use low-fat varieties, such as Adyghe or tofu.

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