Nancy Pelosi arrived in Taiwan, ignoring Chinese warnings

by time news
Nancy Pelosi upon her arrival in Taiwan on Tuesday. TAIWAN MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAI / REUTERS

The Speaker of the House of Representatives landed Tuesday evening in Taipei. Beijing immediately announced military maneuvers.

Correspondent in Washington,

Nancy Pelosi traveled to Taiwan in defiance of Chinese injunctions. The speaker of the House of Representatives landed in Taipei on Tuesday evening at the head of a delegation of five members of the American Congress, despite threats of serious consequences made by Beijing. Third character in the protocol order of the United States, she is the highest American official for twenty-five years to go to the island, an autonomous territory since 1949, but claimed by Communist China.

Nancy Pelosi and the Congressional delegation said in a statement that this visit was intended to “to honor America’s unwavering commitment to supporting Taiwan’s vibrant democracy.” “Our discussions with Taiwanese leaders will focus on reaffirming our support for our partner and promoting our common interests, including the development of a free and open Indo-Pacific region.”

A highly symbolic visit

China responded by “severely condemning this action” and in “vigorously protesting to the United States.” “This visit seriously undermines peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, and sends a very bad signal to separatist forces in Taiwan”, commented shortly after landing the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. She’ll have “a serious impact on the political foundation of China-US relations and seriously undermines China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

This highly symbolic visit was not on the official program of Nancy Pelosi’s tour of Asia. But carefully distilled leaks in the media in recent weeks had mentioned the intention of the Democratic representative of California to visit the island. This prospect had caused renewed tension between China and the United States. Beijing claims Taiwan as part of its territory, and views visits by foreign government officials as an implicit recognition of the island’s sovereignty, and a violation of its own.

Nancy Pelosi and her delegation are expected to be received by Taiwan’s parliament on Wednesday morning, before meeting President Tsai Ing-wen and leaving the island later in the day.

A Pelosi op-ed published on Tuesday

Shortly after landing, a column signed by Nancy Pelosi was posted on the website of the Washington Post. Entitled Why I’m Leading a Congressional Delegation to Taiwanthis text is an additional challenge to the Chinese authorities, which have multiplied in recent years the declarations indicating their intention to reunify the rebel island, including by force.

“Our delegation’s visit should be seen as an unequivocal statement that America stands with Taiwan, our democratic partner, standing up for itself and its freedom, wrote Pelosi. Yet this dynamic and solid democracy… and proudly led by a woman, President Tsai Ing-wen, is under threat. In recent years, Beijing has dramatically stepped up pressure on Taiwan. The People’s Republic of China has increased patrols of bombers, fighter jets and surveillance aircraft near or even above the Taiwan air defense zone, which has led the US Department of Defense to conclude that the Chinese military is probably preparing for a possible unification of Taiwan with the PRC by force”.

China “has also taken the fight to cyberspace, launching dozens of attacks against the Taiwanese government every day. At the same time, Beijing exerts economic pressure on Taiwan, encouraging global companies to cut their ties with the island, intimidating countries that cooperate with Taiwan. “We cannot remain indifferent as the CCP continues to threaten Taiwan and democracy itself…at a time when the world faces a choice between autocracy and democracy. As Russia wages its premeditated and illegal war against Ukraine, killing thousands of innocent people – even children – it is essential that America and our allies make it clear that we never give in to autocrats.”

“Targeted military actions”

The Chinese president had warned Joe Biden last week during a long telephone interview against such a trip. “Those who play with fire end up getting burned”warned Xi Jinping.

China announced on Tuesday “targeted military actions” in response to Nancy Pelosi’s visit. The army operation aims to “to resolutely defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity and to firmly thwart external interference and separatist attempts”, said a spokesman for the Ministry of Defense. More than 20 Chinese military aircraft have entered the Taiwanese Air Defense Identification Zone, which is larger than airspace, the Taiwanese Defense Ministry said.

The US 7th Fleet, for its part, indicated that the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan, which has been cruising in the region since early July, was in the Philippine Sea, south of Taiwan. He is accompanied by the destroyer USS Higgins, which is part of its airborne group, said a US Navy official who requested anonymity. In addition, a Marine Corps amphibious ship, the USS Tripoli, was sailing east of Taiwan at the same time, according to the United States Naval Institute (USNI), an independent body close to the US Navy. the Ronald Reagan and the Tripoli are both carriers of the latest generation F-35 fighter jets, according to the USNI. The Pentagon assured that the presence of these two ships in the region was not linked to the visit of Nancy Pelosi.

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