Naples, cocktail bar (with oven and pizza) in the former house of vinyls

by time news

twelve o’clock, November 17, 2021 – 3:12 PM

BaBar-House opens in the historic center, the new restaurant owned by Duccio Giordano and associates, inside the headquarters of the historic Neapolitan Phonographical Society

from Anna Volpicelli

Once through the front door, the long corridor decorated with works of art hanging on the walls alternating with tennis rackets and armchairs, probably from an old cinema room, leads to a sitting room. A fireplace, retro leather sofas and a bicycle hanging from a ladder. No, not a house. But almost. Ba-BarHouse, the new cocktail bar, in Vico San Giovanni Maggiore, 6, in the historic center of Naples, which will open on Friday 19th November. The venue, arranged on two levels, was built inside the headquarters of Phonotype Record, the former Neapolitan Phonographical Society, the first record company born in Italy and among the first in the world to have an independent plant for the manufacture of records. It was the oldest European vinyl factory – tells us Duccio Giordano, co-owner together with his long-time partners and friends Mario Massarotti, his brother Federico Giordano, Paolo Illiano and Antonio De Angelis – Here the orchestra came with the singers and recorded the songs, and on the other hand, the machinery produced the vinyls.

shadow carousel

Naples, a cocktail bar (with pizza) in the former house of vinyls

The memory of the place preserved in detail, a piano placed on the wall next to the fireplace and a turntable with a series of vinyls that guests can choose and listen to as they wish. Ba-BarHouse is the fifth place launched by the group, already owner of Ba-Bar, Officina, Centrale, and Ba-Bar in Barcelona, ​​which unlike the others presents some innovations. Here, in fact, pizza is served. Our idea is to create a cocktail bar where the menu will be characterized by a Neapolitan institution. We absolutely do not want to compete or compare with the historic pizza makers or the iconic pizzerias of Naples. Our intent is to offer the city something innovative, which does not yet exist, says Giordano. An inspiration probably born from the numerous trips to the outside made over the years. Years ago I went to Hawaii, to Maui – says Duccio, a surfing enthusiast, and it struck me a place run by surfers had to serve cocktails and some sort of local pizza.

Between oven and gin

Next to the central counter where a team of bartenders, with a high female component, will prepare the cocktails, an open oven has been placed, from which daisies, four seasons, devils will come out. This is a place where unlike the pizzeria you can relax and spend time with friends, share food, listen to music, meet new people and of course drink a cocktail, says Mario Massarotti, the only one of the group of friends who moved to Barcelona. And the drink list, in addition to Italian wines and beers, contains more than 100 bottles of Gin, with national and international labels. In Barcelona there are places that exclusively serve Gin Tonic and we liked the idea of ​​revisiting this concept and bringing it to Naples, continues Massarotti.

There is also the champagneria

The distillate will not be the only protagonist of the menu. On the upper floor, in fact, a champagneria has been set up with an adjoining outdoor area that opens up to the city. Unlike the first floor – says Maria Antonietta Massarotti, architect who designed all five rooms – the upper floor has a more elegant and sophisticated atmosphere, furnished with recycled furniture. An ancient boiserie, for example, probably belongs to a sacristy that has become the back of the counter and natural oak parquet has been placed on the floor. The decor of the room combines salvaged pieces with design objects. There has been a long search for unique pieces, made both by myself and by Federico and a great expert, which have been arranged in a conscious and precise way. Nothing repeats itself, each object different from the other. We have built an informal, welcoming environment that recalls the idea of ​​a home. Especially in the part where there is the fireplace. In the decor there is no lack of details that have an emotional connection with the group. There is the black and white photo of a tramp taken by Lee Jeffries, a famous English photographer: He is a dear friend and his photos are present in all our premises. It brings us luck, underlines Mario Massarotti. Together with the portraits taken by Duccio Giordano on film sets. Our intention – continues Massarotti – is to create an atmosphere of meditation and tranquility, the same one you find at home when you are watching a movie or a Napoli match with friends.

November 17, 2021 | 15:12

© Time.News

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