Naples, war in Confindustria for the Pnrr money. Expelled Francesco Tavassi, he “stamped the foot” of Antonio D’Amato’s wife

by time news

Under Vesuvius a real one is taking place Confindustria feud. With entire families lined up on one side or the other. In the background i Pnrr money that will soon start raining on the city. The last episode, which the newspaper reports today The morning, concerns the removal of the Vice President of the Industrial Union Francesco Tavassi, put on the door by the number one of the association Maurizio Maffellotto. Tavassi, president of the Temi shipping group, had challenged the decision before the to the arbitrators of the association which, however, have endorsed the line of the president, confirming an expulsion that represents an absolute unprecedented in the history of the industrial union.

How did it come to this point? The Neapolitan industrialists are split in two. On the one hand there is the Maffellotto presidency supported by a historical name of the Confindustria world: Antonio D’Amato, president of the Italian entrepreneurs from 2000 to 2004 with a line very very close to that of the government Berlusconi. His wife Marilù Faraone Mennella drive the NaplEst company that is working on development projects in the eastern area of ​​Naples. On the other hand around the former president of the Industrial Union and Acen (association of building builders) Precious Ambrose and to the present vice president Tavassi a group of companies took shape (including big ones like Leonardo or Metropolitan of Naples) also interested in the development of the connections between East and West of the city. In short, the feet are stamped on Lady D’Amato. The stakes are 9 zeros: the project presented by NaplEst is worth 8.5 billion euros. The leaders of the industrial union therefore accuse Tavassi to have given life to a “shadow Confindustria” which moves contrary to the official one. Tavassi denies the allegations and yes defines “purged”. Another vice president is also in the sights of the leaders of the association, Giancarlo Schisano, Leonardo’s manager who may soon have to follow Tavassi.

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