NASA announced the sound of the black hole in Perseus 200 million light-years away. Netizens exclaimed in horror | NASA | 200 million light-years | Perseus | black hole | sound |

by time news

[Voice of Hope, August 29, 2022](Editor: Guo Xiao)People are always curious about the vast universe. As an unsolved mystery in the universe, black holes have attracted the attention of many astronomers, and many researchers are conducting research on black holes. On August 24, NASA released an audio clip of the black hole, which was synthesized from pressure waves from the Perseus black hole 200 million light-years away. It is reported that NASA posted on social media: “The misunderstanding that there is no sound in space stems from the fact that most space is a vacuum and cannot allow sound waves to propagate.” However, astronomers have found that there is a lot of gas in galaxy clusters, and the pressure waves emitted by black holes can be in star clusters. Caused ripples, so NASA picked up the pressure waves released by the black holes in the Perseus cluster of galaxies.

The Perseus galaxy (Image: pixabay)

The sound wave came from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory. In fact, it can be said that the sound released by NASA is not a “sound” in the true sense. The frequency of the sound that the human ear can hear is about 20-20,000 Hz. The sound in the black hole is about 57 octaves below the central C, and this part of the scale is normally inaudible to the human ear. But NASA uses audio technology to boost the frequency of the waveform so that people can hear the sound of the black hole. Black holes cannot be observed directly, but their existence and mass can be known indirectly, and their effects on other things can be observed. Before the object is inhaled, the “edge information” of x-rays and gamma rays is released due to the friction caused by the acceleration caused by the gravitational force of the black hole, and the information of the existence of the black hole can be obtained.

It is speculated that the existence of black holes can also be obtained by indirect observation of the orbits of stars or interstellar clouds, and its position and mass can also be obtained. Our human exploration of black holes has never stopped, but the research on black holes has not made breakthrough progress. According to Einstein’s general theory of relativity, when a dying star collapses, it will collapse towards the center, where it will become a black hole, swallowing all light and any matter in the neighboring region of the universe. In 1916, German astronomer Karl Schwarzschild calculated a vacuum solution to Einstein’s field equations. This solution shows that if the actual radius of a static spherically symmetric star is less than a certain value, a strange phenomenon will occur around it, that is, there is an interface – the “horizon”, which cannot escape once light enters.

This fixed value is called the Schwarzschild radius, and this “incredible celestial body” was named “black hole” by American physicist John Archibald Wheeler. After the audio file was uploaded, it caused heated discussions among netizens. Some people thought that this sound sounded like a 3D surround sound “Cosmic Roar”, like the soundtrack of a sci-fi movie, and it was quite scary. I don’t know what unknown things are behind the black hole. It is something that we cannot imagine and cannot explain by current science. Some people exclaimed that the eerie and low-pitched audio made people horrified after hearing it, a bit like the sound of an ancient ghost. “For some reason, the voice sounded like a terrifying ghost, not the gentle sound of waves.” Others mentioned that the sound reminded them of the classic horror movie “Silent Hill”.

Responsible editor: Li Jingrou

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