NASA “Curiosity” photographed stone tools once built by Martians?Experts Quickly Explain | NASA | Curiosity | Martians | Tools | Stone Tools | Origin of Life

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[VoiceofHopeOctober192022](Editor: Guo Xiao)NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover has been working silently and alone on the Red Planet for about nine years. January 12, 2021 on Earth will be the 3,000th Martian day (Sol 3000) after the robotic Curiosity rover landed on Mars. The pictures and videos that the team of geoscientists behind it has continuously received during this period show the true appearance of the surface of Mars and also record many of the major achievements of the “Curiosity” rover. With the continuous improvement of human detection technology, the mystery of Mars has also been slowly unveiled. On July 12, 2020, “Curiosity” discovered two strange stones. Some people think that they were stone tools built by Martians. Is that true?

Curiosity rover (Image: NASA)

In November 2011, the United States launched the “Curiosity” rover, and in August 2012, “Curiosity” successfully landed on the surface of Mars. Curiosity touched down at Gale Crater, a once-water-rich site suspected of life. When “Curiosity” is working here, it will always take pictures of the local environment and send it back to the earth, and humans will receive a large number of different types of photos. Two of the photos taken by Curiosity are the most striking, showing that the two stones are smooth and reflective, looking similar to the stone tools used by primitive people in museums. You must know that it is very difficult for Curiosity to transmit photos from distant Mars to the earth. The reason why experts directed it to take close-up shots of these two stones must have something unique.

It stands to reason that the environment of Mars is relatively harsh, and such rocks will not naturally form. Is there really a civilization on Mars? Just after people were talking about it, some experts quickly explained that the stone was not a tool for Martian creatures. First of all, according to human’s current understanding of Mars, even if there were creatures on Mars, they were only low-level creatures, and they have not yet developed to the point where humans can use tools. Secondly, the surface of the stone may be smooth due to liquid water, because there used to be liquid water on Mars, and the two stones were sharpened before the water disappeared, which further verifies that there was water on the surface of Mars. guess.

Curiosity finds two strange rocks
Two rocks captured by Curiosity (Image: NASA)

Experts also said that it is not an easy task for the probe to land on Mars, and only 19 of the more than 40 previous launches to Mars have been successful. After the Soviet Union successfully launched the first artificial satellite during World War II, it shifted its goal to Mars, but it has not been successful due to the difficulty factor. Between 1960 and 1962, the Soviet Union launched five probes to Mars, but two of them exploded, two failed, and the better one lost contact. Scientists pointed out that for decades, the uninterrupted exploration of Mars is because Mars is the planet with the most similar environment to Earth in the solar system. Understanding Mars is of great value to the study of the early history of the Earth and the origin of life, and also to the expansion of human beings. Living space is important.

Responsible editor: Li Jingrou

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