NASA discovers rare and rapidly growing super black hole | Young galaxy | Hubble | Big Bang

by time news

[Epoch Times, April 28, 2022](The Epoch Times reporter Di Rui compiled a report) NASA has discovered a fast-growing super black hole located in a young galaxy, and believes that it is finally the source of understanding of super black holes and high yields in the early universe. Links between nova’s young galaxies provide the “missing link.”

The discovery was announced in a NASA press release on April 14, along with a conceptual image of the black hole’s brisk activity causing it to shoot out luminous rays from the thick dust surrounding a young galaxy.

The researchers discovered the black hole from observations from the Hubble Space Telescope and named it GNz7q. The data the scientists saw showed what the super black hole looked like just 750 million years after the Big Bang. Scientists believe that the Big Bang was 14 billion years old, so the data for this black hole comes from a fairly early universe.

The radiation data it emits is consistent with the situation produced by a large amount of surrounding matter falling into the black hole, so scientists believe that it is in a fast-growing, hyperactive state. The galaxy in which it is located is under a thick dust envelope and is producing a large number of new stars.

Existing theories speculate that such super-black holes existed inside galaxies that gave birth to a large number of novae in the early universe. one ring”.

Such galaxies would later develop into bright quasars, the researchers said. Quasars, also called active galactic nuclei, are usually structures composed of masses of matter swirling around a large black hole at the center of a galaxy. Quasars get their name because matter closer to the black hole gradually falls into the black hole and emits very bright light that looks like a star from a distance.

“After the dust is gone, it will eventually become an extremely bright quasar,” a NASA press release said.

As for how GNz7q and other similar super black holes grew to such a size, NASA said it remains “an unsolved mystery.” But researchers believe that observations of the black hole provide new clues to the mystery.

“GNz7q provides a direct link between these two rare celestial object types and provides insight into the rapid growth of super black holes in the early universe,” said astronomer Seiji Fujimoto of the University of Copenhagen, one of the principal investigators. provides new clues.”

The next step for the team is to get more observations from the newly launched Webb Space Telescope (JWST) to learn more about these types of black holes, and how common they are.

The discovery was published April 13 in the journal Nature. ◇#

Responsible editor: Ye Ziwei

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