NASA probe found a new impact crater on Mars | Solar System | Mars Orbiter

by time news

[Epoch Times, April 5, 2022](The Epoch Times reporter Di Rui compiled and reported) The solar system is a region of space that is constantly changing. NASA’s Mars Orbiter has discovered a new impact crater on the surface of Mars.

According to the Mashable website, NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) found a new dark spot on the ground of Mars, so it took more detailed pictures with the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera onboard.

Scientists from the University of Arizona’s image analysis team looked at it and thought it was a recent impact crater that likely formed between February 2006 and March 2014.

The entire photo covers an area roughly 3 miles in diameter. Near the impact crater, the radial lines from the center to the surrounding are clearly visible, which are likely to be craters left by the impact of an asteroid or a meteorite.

The number of impact craters on Mars is staggering. NASA estimates that there are more than 250,000 impact craters on Mars, about 4,000 feet in diameter and the size of Arizona’s famous Barringer Crater. There are also more than 43,000 impact craters more than three miles in diameter.

For comparison, there are about 120 known impact craters on Earth. For this huge difference, scientists believe that this is because the crustal movement on the earth is very active. Some continental plates rise from the seabed, and some sink to the seabed, erasing many traces of impact craters. The situation on Mars is different. Although Mars also has crustal activities and frequent earthquakes, the crustal plates of Mars have not changed as much as the earth.

An impact crater that appears on Mars can remain there for millions of years. ◇#

Responsible editor: Ye Ziwei

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