NASA’s Webb Telescope Makes Groundbreaking Discovery: Neutron Star Merger Reveals Rare Element Tellurium

by time news

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has made a groundbreaking discovery, detecting the rare element tellurium in the aftermath of a bright gamma-ray burst. The burst, known as GRB 230307A, is believed to have resulted from the merging of two neutron stars, creating an explosion called a kilonova. This kilonova provided scientists with the opportunity to observe the mid-infrared spectrum of a heavy element from such an event for the first time, thanks to Webb’s sensitivity.

The findings are significant because they offer insight into the creation of chemical elements in the universe, including valuable and potentially life-sustaining elements. By studying kilonovas, researchers hope to fill in the gaps in understanding where and how these elements are formed.

The detection of tellurium, an element rarer than platinum on Earth, suggests that other elements near tellurium on the periodic table, such as iodine, may also be present in kilonovas. These elements are crucial for life on Earth, making the study of kilonovas even more important.

Observing kilonovas is challenging because they are rare events. The case of GRB 230307A is particularly remarkable as it is the second brightest gamma-ray burst ever observed. It lasted for 200 seconds, placing it in the category of long-duration gamma-ray bursts, despite being caused by a merging neutron star.

The collaboration of multiple telescopes, including Webb, NASA’s Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, and NASA’s Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory, allowed scientists to gather a wealth of information about the kilonova. The different observations in various wavelengths provided valuable insights into the evolution and characteristics of the explosion.

Webb’s infrared capabilities were instrumental in studying the kilonova in detail. The telescope’s observations revealed that the material ejected from the explosion was traveling at high speeds. Most notably, the Webb detected the distinct signature of tellurium in the spectrum, marking the first direct observation of an individual heavy element from a kilonova.

The neutron stars that created the kilonova had an interesting historical journey. They were originally part of a binary system in a spiral galaxy. After both stars went through explosive events, they remained gravitationally bound and were eventually kicked out of their home galaxy. They traveled a distance of approximately 120,000 light-years before merging several hundred million years later.

Looking ahead, scientists anticipate discovering more kilonovas in the future. The combination of space and ground-based telescopes will enable researchers to study these events more comprehensively and gain a deeper understanding of the universe. Webb, in particular, is expected to make even more groundbreaking discoveries and potentially identify even heavier elements.

Overall, the findings from Webb’s study of the kilonova and the detection of tellurium provide valuable insights into element creation in the universe and pave the way for more advanced discoveries in the future. By unlocking the secrets of these rare astronomical events, scientists are getting closer to understanding the origins of the chemical building blocks of life.

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